Most Obese States 2009

[quote]NewDamage wrote:
HolyMacaroni wrote:

sweet home al-ah-bam-ah


Second place is still the first loser.

HMac, I think if you and I dirty bulk on Little Caesar’s we can claim the crown.[/quote]

I would like to join this bulking adventure.

I’ve been looking to put on some “quality” weight.

[quote]slippery_banana wrote:

I would like to join this bulking adventure.

I’ve been looking to put on some “quality” weight.


Well allllright!

While X is bringin sexy back down in Texas, we can…get really fat.

Hey maybe we can go to planet fitness in t-town and after downing a dozen donuts a piece, we can then grunt loudly and deadlift.

Is this based on BMI? Not that it drastically effects the outcome but I know a lot of us here are either Obese or borderline Obese according to that amazingly accurate scale of body composition!

[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:
I can’t wait to start paying for their healthcare :slight_smile:


Oh Yea…like nobody voted for Obama.

[quote]red04 wrote:
Is this based on BMI? Not that it drastically effects the outcome but I know a lot of us here are either Obese or borderline Obese according to that amazingly accurate scale of body composition![/quote]

I have gotten to the upper echelon of overweight for my age and height.

Well it isn’t me.

How is Alaska number 18? You’d think they’d be last given how rugged life tends to get out there.

I grew up in Boulder, CO and have spent significant time in OK, MN, and NY. There is a visible difference in obesity levels. I think a lot of it has to do with culture - here, it is expected that people spend time outdoors. Not so in hotter, more humid (and topographically lame) locales.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
I grew up in Boulder, CO and have spent significant time in OK, MN, and NY. There is a visible difference in obesity levels. I think a lot of it has to do with culture - here, it is expected that people spend time outdoors. Not so in hotter, more humid (and topographically lame) locales. [/quote]

I’ve been on extended stays in Oklahoma where I’m not sure I ate a single meal that didn’t involve something deep fat fried and/or floating in gravy.

That can’t help.

[quote]Rebel Shuttle wrote:
How is Alaska number 18? You’d think they’d be last given how rugged life tends to get out there.[/quote]

Anchorage isn’t all that rugged. Just like any other lower 48 city just a little smaller. Oh and most people here aren’t all that big on fitness. Mostly just hunting, fishing, camping, snowmachining, ect.

Oh and one other thing, natives alaskans (esspecially the ones that live way up north) have a tradition of consuming seal oil. Puts a bit of “insulation” on their bodies.

yeah, TX.