Most Impressive Squat of All Time?

Saw one of those. More points if you zerchered it.

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Especially when weighted with a duffel bag full of some stuff.


Honorable mention for impressive squat goes to Sloth in the treasure cave.


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Yeahā€¦not saying it was the best. would have been better if they had done more with Coan or Captain Kirk.

The reason Pumping Iron was awesome was because of Arnold. The first time I saw it I said I want to look like that. I canā€™t say that about Hoss :smile:

Coan is an amazing lifter (the GOAT), but as far as appealing to non-lifters he is no where close to Arnold.

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Iā€™ve always got a huge kick out of Steve Gogginsā€™ 1100 pound squat.

Also Blaine Sumnersā€™ first 500 kg in single ply was awesome.