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My labs are good from pellets minus the estrogen due to an AI. I will share my labs… I don’t think pellets are right for me though. I seem to be metabolize them fast and my provider thinks it may be from high intensity workouts. Not sure if this is normally what happens to people or just those who like working out hard. This is my 2nd insert and this one has not AI. Maybe I will have better results this time? But I don’t see pellets keeping me in the 1500-2000 range consistently. Plus I don’t like waiting 7 days before I can train legs or even run…

Traveling-man, tell me about your life style. Do you train or just maintain? What are your labs like and what do your pellets jack you up too? What are your labs 6 months later?Screenshot_20200401-170035_Chrome

These are my most recent labs before 2nd insert

These are form late January.

This is before 1st insert. My labs are from a hospital. Advised to fast through the night and do labs first thing in the morning. I didn’t know enough then to ask about estradiol. Had labs done after researching low t symptoms. Brain fog, fatigue were key for me. No drive, depression.

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No, I don’t train; I’m not a bodybuilder. And with that said – I have always said up front that anyone who is after Testosterone as part of their body building should NOT be on pellets.

I have been posting my labs and data since Nov 2017. My thread is here.

I have other issues that you don’t have including insane SHBG. My body was eating through my pellets like they were candy until I got the SHBG under control (which is why I was inserting pellets every 3 months).

I agree. And with that number/range being your goal – pellets may not be the best fit. But I would like to point out that your T is going to drop every 3 days on shots. All of that, however, is beyond my knowledge.

Thanks for your response. I think if I did not want train hard pellets would be perfect… low maintenance, let the pellet do the work…

I’m pretty new to all this but do my labs look pretty good to you?..

I’m gonna post a new thread and ask about injections and what to expect.

Your estrogen is in crashed range which is not good. It’s lower than the lowest a person not on TRT should have. Are you on an AI? If so you should drop it like a bad habit. No estrogen will effect libido, well-being, bone density and 100 other negative things.

Edit: Just saw the post above that where it looks like you know the AI is fucking up a good thing.

Yeah this second insert was straight test no AIs

Dextermorgan, respond to the ema you answered last night. Thank you again

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