Mormonism is a sham religion

How ironic. Some of you took offense to his dissing of anothers religion by dissing his. Ever heard of “two wrongs don’t make a right?” While he certainely wasn’t respectful in his post neither were many of the replies. I am a Catholic and found it offensive the things he said and many of the responses to him. Could you not flame him for what he said, instead of doing the same thing he did? Many of you ended up sinking to his level. You could of been respectful of other Catholics while flaming his post. But, I guess that would require thoughtfullness and a fully developed brain in which to formulate arguements above “oh yeah, you’re dumb too.” Well, looks like you guys fell for this hook, line, and sinker. Have some of you been on forums long? This is a perfect example of a post to ignore. All you’ve done is allowed it to be bumped, and bumped, and bumped again. Some very gullible folks on here.

Reread this again. I don’t know which of you is more foolish, the poster or the repliers. I choose not to argue with the person who made this post because it’s an obvious troll post to create this exact venomous attack on the Catholic religion and the Mormons. I guess he knew he could count on some fish to come for the bait. Sadly, he was right. This post should have never been answered and allowed to drift off into oblivion. I guess the Musclehead image has been reinforced by the replies to an obvious troll post. Why do I seem more angry at the people who replied? Is it because I’m a Catholic and I don’t want to hear negative comments? As a Catholic I’ve always dealt with people who viewed my religion as a house of pervert priests and as a cult. So no, that’s not new. I realize there are stereotyping bigots out there. The replys make me angry because they’re the only reason why this post still lives. Shame on the bigots that wrote the post and the replies. I’m through with this post and hope that the rest of you will allow this one to die.

interesting topic… I’m not so sure you can argue fucked up beliefs being a Catholic who believes that the bread and wine you take for communion actually turns into the body and blood of Christ inside your body. And guess what, your religion also preaches that anyone not saved by faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah prophesized in the bible is going to hell. “Believe in our religion or go to hell” is a pretty common theme in any faith. Deal with it. You should definitely check out “A History of Religions” for a very good overview on how most of the major religions came about (can’t remember the author). Surprisingly, they all have very similar origins.

Mr. Santillo, the Catholic belief of transubstantiation is that the bread and wine become Christ’s body, blood, soul, and divinity at the consecration. And no, the Church does not preach that anyone not having faith in Jesus Christ will be damned. That was the belief of Luther and his ilk who believed that though you commit murder one hundred times a day and adultery as many times you will be saved as long as you have faith in Christ (loosely paraphrased, I’ve forgotten the exact quote.) The Catholic Church has always held that faith and good works are the key to salvation.

Just reading your post. Many scientists are some of the most religious people around. When you look at how amazing the universe is from galaxies to quarks to light to dna to…evolution(espcially since it culminated with me. Wooohaa. Kidding.) it’s hard not to believe in it all being designed. :slight_smile:

I have nothing to add…I just wanted to see my name in the list…Everybody is wrong sometimes.

Paul-Martin - As a Catholic, I was never encouraged to read my Bible (because the church still seems to think the lay person can’t understand it) HOWEVER. I am a recovering Catholic, and have read it cover to cover. Word for word you will find phrases such as ‘No one gets to the the father but through me’ and ‘Not by works but through the grace of God’ and ‘for he that belives in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life’ I have news for you, God doesn’t give a shit if you are a ‘nice person’ because the best we can do ‘is as filthy rags’ (referring to the clothes used by women during their period)

You didn’t ignore it.

If you read Ben Franklin’s autobiography, he has a great quote in there about religions. He says (I’m paraphrasing from memory here; the real words are better): “Religions are to be likened to a person wandering around in a fog. Those who are close to him can be seen clearly, and are thus he considers them “right”. Those who are farther away can be seen but dimly, and thus are considered wrong, and the more wrong the further away they are. But in reality, all are walking about in the same fog, the first man included, and no one is any more right or wrong than another.”

Pretty appropriate for this post, I'd say.

Well goddamn it, if everyone is, in one way or another, stating what religion they are well I want to be a cool kid on the block and state mine. I belong to the religion of Bodybuilding. Thats right we don’t discuss anything else except how we can get big as hell, and when we are not in the gym find some nice little hoochie mamas we can nail with our wankers. We have many gods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbo, Frank Zane, Dave Draper…and many more.

Shitdisturber,just how eastern of a canadian are you?

Steve, after seeing the idiotic post bumped up again and again I thought I might be able to get people to realize it was a troll post. In fact, in no way in the replies I have made do I actually write TO the person who posted this crap. I was hoping that I could get people to realize for future purposes that they were being led like sheep to the slaughter. The people who replied are regulars. The person who posted is not. Steve, surely you can understand this. Right? I really don’t care about this guy’s post because it was always meant to do nothing, but cause a big Catholic bash fest. It’s the regulars on here who dissapoint me. Now I truly will ignore the post AND the repliers this time.

Ol’ Kid, If I was to say a college town of 5000 about 2hrs east of you, I’m guessing you may understand my view of the catholic church. Just moved to TO. about two years ago from Sydney. Culture shock, in a good way though. I was going to move to HRM but wanted something a little bigger. Cool to hear there is another Novi on hear.

I was raised catholic man.If you wanted to talk about sham religions lets start with catholisism.

I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone who posted on this thread has never studied religion. Why provide any feedback if you don’t have any knowledge on theology and religious studies? It’s laughable that some of you have formed opinions based on your personal experience with your church. Do yourself a favor and study on your own about religion. Also, avoid quoting verses from any source out of context. The verses don’t mean anything when you use them as a pretext.

Brider - you mention in your post your “waife” - is she your wife that is a waif? Thus the new word waife?

I was raised mormon my entire life until I became old enough to realize that the whole religion thing wasn’t my bag. I now consider myself neither Christian nor atheist. To answer some of your concerns, I’m not sure that Mormons believe they can become a god, but become like a god, in which case it would be like giving them a VIP pass to chill with the Almighty. I’ve never heard anything about the world was suppose to end in 1913, so I’ll give you that one. I know they don’t believe that anyone who isn’t Mormon os going to hell, they don’t even believe in hell - you didn’t do your homework.
To answer the other post about baptism for the dead, Mormons don’t “baptize” the dead people on the list, but more aptly, they believe that by undergoing the baptism, it gives the dead person a chance to say “Yes, I would like to be baptized” or “No, that Mormon shit is whack.” They believe it gives an option to those that may have never heard of religion, or died young, or whatever. Like I said, I don’t believe any of it, but that one should make sense, how do other religions handle that?
There are other options to God. Perhaps there is an entire population of Gods, I mean, “ours” has two kids right(Jesus and Satan)? Why couldn’t there be more and all of them given free domain to do as they wish with worlds or galaxies or universes? Or perhaps God and Satan are old chums in a friendly rivalry like Professer X and Magneto? That would explain the story of Job where they just have a blast placing bets on him.
Honestly, it matters not to me. I will live my life according to me, for me, and not becuase I have some father figure posted over my head to keep me in line. You could say I live according to many Christian laws, but I wouldn’t say it.
And, though I know I’ll lose all credibility, I wanted to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday to me, I just turned 21 about 2 hours ago. Woot!

I think most of us can agree that some universal laws exist, it is wrong to kill someone(unless a circumstance permits) or that it is wrong to rape. Supposing we were to compile a list of all the religions that adhered to the universal laws, how then could one go about praising one religion, but damning another? How are we to say that Moses parted the Red Sea? How are we to say that he didn’t? Look at both sides of the coin. There is a line between fairly criticizing a religion and simply verbally abusing those who follow it. Many of you need to find that line and quit crossing it. People say one religion is a sham, some say others, I say your ugly mother is a fucking sham… how do you like that?

My victims are rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak I cause millions of accidents, I am cancer in your bones I fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truth I am insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomes I take what you love, and leave you in tears I imprison your soul, your hopes are my games I strip you of pride, my promise is in vain,While you burn at the stake I dance with the flames I bring poverty, sickness and death, A worthless handshake, the slickest thief, I steal your wealth, I answer your prayers for greed and lust, More than evil, I laugh at your trust Iam more powerful than all the armies of the world I am more violent than violence, more deadly than death I have destroyed more men than all the nation’s wars I am relentless, unpredictable, waiting for your last breath Iam evil, more evil than violence more violent than death ,deadly, more deadly than man, I’m evil, My kingdom corrupt with dissent Your sins erupt by my intent I loathe your prayers, I wallow in sin Let the nightmare begin Prince Of Darkness, your Satanic Highness Prince Of Darkness the Devilish Serpent The Dreaded Luciifer I take what you love, and leave you in tears imprision your soul, your hopes are my games I strip you of pride, my promise is in vain While you burn at the stske I dance with the Flames Prince Of Darkness Your Satanic Highness Prince Of Darkness, the most beautiful Angel Prince Of Darkness, the Devilish Serpent The dreader Lucifer Prince Of Darkness The answer to everyonne’s prayer’s!!!

This particular topic was highly interesting to read. I’m always amused by the misinformation and rumors and lies which people are so quick to believe.

However, that’s not the point of this reply. It seems to me that if you want to learn about Hinduism, you might want to talk with Hindu leaders. If you want to learn about Catholicism, you might want to talk with a Catholic Priest. And, of course, if you want to learn about “Mormons” (which, by the way, is a nickname given to members of that church by their detractors early in its history), you might want to talk with a couple of its missionaries, or a bishop, stake president, or even write to the First Presidency in Salt Lake. By the way, if you want to do that, try this address: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 50 North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah (get the zip from the Post Office).

Yes, I’m a “Mormon”. I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when I was 18, much to the dismay of my parents, who had heard nothing but the smut promulgated by other “trolls” in the world. I’ve never regretted my move, despite those “trolls” who continually put me down and put down my beliefs. I really don’t mind it, because I know that they do it out of fear and lack of information.

Merlin, you did a pretty good job in dispelling a few of those myths. There are a few which you need to get right, too (Heaven knows there are principles which I’m still learning, even at 46). That’s ok. I’m glad you stood up for yourself and your heritage. I’m proud of you.

I’m not going to try to change your minds. It seems that you have them made up. Nevertheless, if you are sincerely curious about what we really believe, I invite you to get on the internet (which you obviously have access to), and go to, or call any ward or stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and ask for the missionaries to be sent to your home (they WILL leave if you ask them to), and hear all that they have to say. They are there to give you the truth about what we believe, and if you’re not interested, they’ll leave. You’re also welcome to email me, if you like, too. If I don’t have an answer to your question, I’ll make a point of trying to get one. I see that I have to give the moderator my email address, so apparently they forward the email to me (moderator, let me know if that’s not correct).

And in DEFENSE of my brethren, the Catholics, there are those, in any religious discipline, who misuse and misinterpret doctrines to their own selfish and twisted ends. One person does not necessarily reflect the entire organization. I know and respect MANY fine Catholics, who use their religious discipline as it should be used. You have to look at the whole picture, and not be like the three blind men who tried to describe an elephant.

Just please, don’t embarass yourself by trying to make yourself out to be an expert on something that you obviously have not seriously studied with an open mind.

Oh, and for all you “trolls” out there, I really owe you some thanks. It’s people like you who pique the curiosity and interest of many good sincere people who listen to the missionaries, study, and become fine, upstanding members of the “Mormon” church.

You see, your tactics backfire, every time.
