Mix Different Strength Qualities in One Workout or Not?

Oh wow incredible, ok maybe I got my hormones mixed up. Speaking of hormones & different strength qualities…Phil Hernon is now preaching BOSU BALLS.

Lord, his workout is now 1 set to failure eveyrday on bosu balls (pushups, rows, curls & laterals on bosu balls), chins/dips, and then single leg pistol squat on bosu balls.

Says the balance creates intense GH/Test release, more than anabolics & more effective because it’s natural. People report back having tried his workout feeling “sea sick” & naseaus…they say the balancing is causing tremendous GH realese which sucks up blood sugar. Systemic stimulation.

It really shocked me to hear this being promoted seriously… unless bosu/balance really is the next frontier of natural bodybuilding lol…

of course it is