Mike's Training Log

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

ME Squat/DL

Good Mornings, Medium Stance
45 x 5
95 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 1 <— I was feeling NOTHING in my hamstrings, all of it in my lower back. I think my form was bad, as I’m new to GM’s, so I lowered the weight in an attempt to use proper form.
155 x 1
155 x 1
155 x 1 <— Still, nothing in my hamstrings, it felt like my lower back was doing ALL of the work. When I use lighter weights, my hamstrings feel the ‘pull’, but with the heavy ones, my back did ALL the work. Thoughts/suggestions?

Dimel Deadlifts
135 x 20 (Figured out how to feel em in my hammies by the last 5 reps or so)
135 x 20
135 x 20
Next week I’ll up the weight and try to be more ‘explosive’, but this week I had to get a good feel for them. Felt good. Just have to remember to keep my hips back.

Close Stance Box Squat to Parallel (all the benches in my gym are at parallel, so going below = impossible):
185 x 8
195 x 5
195 x 6
195 x 6

High Pulls (aka cheated upright rows):
80 x 7
80 x 6
80 x 4
80 x 4

Ab Pulldowns:
150 x 15
150 x 15
150 x 15

Total Workout Time: 40 minutes (quick!)

Dep, if your not feeling your hamstrings, then your really not doing them right. drop the knees slightly, and kick your ass back, and bend at the waist only. it works. believe it.

and no kidding … push presses? I would SERIOUSLY recommend sticking to your template.

I kinda wanna put in push presses in lieu of dumbell cleans. For huge people benching 500lbs, their rotator cuffs need the extra work, but I don’t think mine do. I think the push presses would be a better overall strength builder. If I’m wrong… oh well, I won’t do them, but I like the exercise. Push presses are badass.

Sully, DrStu: This kid has know idea what he wants.

I think that you should stick to the template.

Push presses are great, but they are not going to help you (unless you are “pro-wrestling” and going to perform a body slam).

Regardless of whether they are badass, I am willing to bet you need more rear delt work. I hve never seen anyone, let alone a teenager, with overdeveloped rear delts or external rotarors. Work your weaknesses, not what you like.

Okay, no push presses then.

I thought a large reason why Westsiders didn’t do overhead pressingmovements was because they had poor range of movement in their highly injured shoulders (from so many years of benching). I didn’t know that even someone young and healthy (and with a low bench press max, which equates to less stress on the shoulders) shouldn’t do overhead pressing. My bad. DB Cleans it is.

You’re thinking way to much with to little knowledge. Reading is fine, been there done that means more. The westside guys don’t do a lot of overhead pressing mainly because they don’t overhead press in competition. You could do it for an auxillary exercise if it fits in with your total volume.

You are making this to hard. Stick to the template.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

400m sprinting, a la Running Man

Warmup = Jog 1.5 miles at an easy pace
Sprint 1
Sprint 2
Sprint 3
Sprint 4
Cool Down: Jog ~1 mile home

I had myself about 1:45 in between 400m sprints to recover.

Note to self: next time, don’t do sprints after ME Squat/DL day, your legs don’t like it.

Thursday, November 4, 2003

ME Bench Day

Rack Lockouts from a Little Past Midpoint:
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 1
195 x 1
205 x miss
205 x miss
This got me mad, because last week I hit 205. My freaking wrestling coach was making fun of me for doing rack lockouts, he had no idea what they were and he’s a personal trainer, so obviously ‘Why would you max out on rack lockouts?’ kept coming from him. My lack of focus might be the problem. Also, I started them one pin setting lower than last week, so maybe I didn’t get it just because I had to use a bigger ROM. Either way, I’m pissed.

Incline Close Grip Bench
115 x 5
115 x 4
115 x 4
115 x 4
115 x 3

Side Laterals
15 x 12
15 x 11
15 x 10

Barbell Rows
110 x 8
110 x 7
110 x 7
110 x 6

Chinups (bodyweight)
Note: Do these BEFORE BARBELL ROWS NEXT TIME, my back and biceps were shot

Barbell Curls
60 x 5
60 x 4
60 x 4

Total workout time: 40 minutes

I tried to do this in gym class, which is only 40mins long. Next time, I WILL NEVER EVER EVER try to do this. I’ll wait until after school. I hate the ridicule of my stupid classmates and my PERSONAL TRAINER WRESTLING COACH/GYM TEACHER. In 8 years, when I’m his age only twice his size and strength, we’ll see who’s laughing. It’s stupid ignorant people like him that lord over little kids like me that make me mad. I’m weak. I know that. A ton of my classmates tried the 205 on rack press, and some of them repped with it for 4 or 5 reps (and they’re my size). Just because I’m not strong doesn’t mean I’m an idiot.


  1. Compete with yourself. Period. Nothing else matters.

  2. Patience/perseverence. In time you will develop enough confidence in what you are doing that you will be wrapped in kevlar relative to what others say/think.

  3. Focus. My advice to you would be to continue to train in that environment periodically to toughen you up mentally. If you think you are always going to have ideal environments to train in, you’re mistaken.

I think you missed because of the larger rom. Try and stick with the same movement for a couple weeks. The frequent changes are for advanced lifters. Otherwise your workouts look pretty good so far. BTW what is your warm up looking like.

On GM’s start with a 3-5RM Once you are used to the movement then start working towards a 1RM. I read this in one of Daves articles. Also, if you are un familiar with a movement I’d spend 1 week perfecting form with a light-moderate weight, you need enough to “feel it/the groove” use low reps with high sets ex 10x3.

This is what I’d do with a new exercise

Week 1 10-15x3-4 60-70% (based on feel)

Work on technique and getting the feel of the movement (arch back hips travel backward, soft knees, weight on heels, no rounding, feel it in the hamstrings)

Week 2 Work up to 1 heavy set of 3 reps

not a Rep Max, just somewhat heavy

Week 3 go for a 3 rep PR.

If you have doubt after rep 1 then don’t continue

If you need a 1RM for mental sake then just do 1 rep on week 2 and 3

Hey D

Dont let those people get to you, do the workout in class if time allows and dont let those fuckers get to you.

I got so much flack for doing goodmornings, and so many stares from doing pull-throughs, jm-presses, floor presses, etc.

But you now what? None of them were able to say shit when I tested my 1RMs at the end of the 8 weeks.

Don’t let the idot yokel locals get to you. give them Louie phone number and have them give Louie a call. Stick with it. I would get stares, etc. from dumbasses that couldn’t even lift what I lift. If i get shit I also remind these people how I’m smarter than they are. It’s a lot of fun.

You’re young and not there yet, but if you stick with things, you’ll improve. week ago I would’ve bet money that you would be on a different program like every other young dumbass, but to your credit, you’re sticking with it. Keep up the work.

I’ve been tempted to quit, but what can I say, I’m not a quitter.

Friday, November 7, 2003

DE Squat

Box Squat to Parallel
10 x 2 @ 135lbs
How long should these take to complete? I am lowering myself quickly in a controlled manner, sitting on the box for a pause of about .5-1 second (not just touch and go), and then FLYING through the concentric portion of the lift. Is this correct?

Speed Deadlifts
10 x 1 @ 155lbs

Straight Legged Deadlift
135 x 12
145 x 12
150 x 12
150 x 12

Dumbell Lunge (standing in place, one leg at a time)
50 x 12
50 x 12
55 x 12
55 x 12

DB Shrugs
65 x 15
70 x 15
70 x 12

Dumbell Side Bend
30 x 15
50 x 12
50 x 11

Pulldown Abs
75 x 15
85 x 15
90 x 15

Monday, November 10, 2003

DE Bench

Flat BB Bench
10 x 3 @ 105lbs

Neutral Grip DB Bench
50 x 12
55 x 12
55 x 8
55 x 6
55 x 6

Dumbell Tricep Extension
20 x 12
20 x 10
20 x 8
20 x 8

Side Raises
15 x 12
15 x 11
15 x 10

Dumbell Rows (lying on an incline bench)
40 x 12
40 x 11
40 x 10
40 x 9
40 x 8

Bicep Curls
25 x 10
25 x 9
25 x 8

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Just like they said, stick with it. They’ll still be staring at you when you are outlifting them. Besides, you don’t live too far from me. I took the time to write you a program and if you stop after one week I will come to your house and kill you. :slight_smile:

 Sully will kill you. I'll just be ninja pissed. Stick with it and you will improve.

Where is your cardio??