Microdosing NPP with Low Dose Test

It negates part of it.

Look here

I linked you in the post. Don’t know if you’ve seen it.

The study @readalot provided was about deca but some of it is applicable to NPP. The formation of small droplets in the muscle is one of them, in my opinion. The other is the travel through the lymphatic system.

Here, it is shown that the released prodrug (ND) is not hydrolysed locally (Chapter 6), but remains unchanged in interstitial fluid. Here, it is logical to assume that the lipophilic prodrug adheres to small proteins (<40 kDa) and subsequently drained with the interstitial fluid into the lymph vessels. Alternatively, it cannot be excluded that small oil droplets might be detached from the main oil depot (Chapter 4) and cleared through the lymph. In both ways, ND will end up in the final lymph node to enter the vena cava superior to meet blood cells in the central compartment. These blood cells will finally hydrolyse the prodrug compound to nandrolone.

So yes it’s a shorter ester but it’s not short time- and action-wise.

Edit: ups just saw I read your sentence wrong.
Yes you’re correct, I think it negates the faster clearance rate.

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