Microdosing NPP with Low Dose Test

I think you’re in a very special situation.

A. You tried deca at a low dose and had problems but they could stem from something else.

B. Your symptoms resolved in 2 months.

So in that case, if you’re using a low dose which you are planning on and you are titrating it up, I see less potential for missing the boat as you can pull out whenever something approaching deca dick settles in. The shorter ester is a good thing too.

But here are the problems:

  1. The compound stays a while at the injection site so even if you’re using NPP, you can’t get out of the cycle in 12 hours. It takes a few days until you clear every bit of it. It’s said to have a duration of action of 5-8 days.

The following pharmacokinetic parameters were found: a mean half-life of 6 days for the release of the ester from the muscular injection depot into the general circulation; a mean half-life of 4.3 h for the combined processes of hydrolysis of nandrolone decanoate and of distribution and elimination of nandrolone; a mean nandrolone serum clearance of 1.55 1 X h-1 X kg-1. The half-life of hydrolysis of nandrolone decanoate in serum was of the order of one hour or less. The data are consistent with linear kinetics.


  1. Deca dick is like playing roulette. You can get it even if you didn’t have it the first time.

  2. Nandrolone has a lengthy recovery time for the CNS

No evidence of improved racing performance due to nandrolone phenylpropionate administration was observed. Behavioural changes attributed to the drug could be detected for at least 6 weeks after the cessation of treatment.


It is just my opinion and I never took nandrolone and I’m not planning on doing it, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but I think there are better options.
Like I said you are in a special situation and I’d say your risk of having a bad reaction is minimized with your protocol, so I won’t strongly advice against it.
You are probably running a DHT derivative with it too, which I think falls under the category of better safe than sorry.

In your case I’ll give the deca experiment a plus/minus of 0.

I think there’s relatively little risk but there’s little upside in comparison to other AAS.

I liked an old post from our friend @iron_yuppie very much, he said: