Methyl 1-Test Survey

10mg of M-1-T is equal to:
160mg test
80mg 1-test

This is, of course, going by the chart in Vida’s book. Not everyone’s body will react the same way, but atleast this gives a good idea for a dosing protocol.

If you had the necessary chemistry tools, I could send you a nice recipe for making boldenone cypionate from 1-test cyp powder. :wink:


Thanks! I’d rather have a recipe for baking it into brownies or bran muffins or something.

But anyway, what do you think I’m gonna baste my Turkey with to keep it nice and “juice”-y? Just think what would happen if you slathered your turkey with EQ-suspension. I bet even the platter would be devoured.

I am experiencing some stomach problems while on the M1T, but not a loss of appetite. Maybe it is a placebo thing, but I am very hungry.

Jeezus! Gained another 2lbs since Monday! I have dropped the dosage down to 10mg ed since Monday. The muscle keeps coming and the weights in the gym keep increasing!

Alright, I am going to ask the dumb question… how bad do you think it would be to add Dbol to the M1T? Hear me out first. I am VERY concerned about liver toxicitiy, so that is a moot point of argument. I was doing some math w/ Macaijah’s 16xpotency post. If one took a 5mg dosing of M1T it would equivilant to about 80mg of Test. With that small dosing of M1T it might be possible to get away w/ adding 25mg of Dbol. I have no plans of trying this right now, but had to ask. I am really wondering what adding a class 2 AAS would do. I am amazed at the results from the M1T alone. Does anybody else agree that we may be on the verge of discovering some new and fantastic AAS? I mean the training side of things has advanced dramatically over the last 2 to 3 years, now it is time for the chemists to make some new AAS discoveries. Can I get some input on the addition of class 2? And where are all these others that said they were trying the M1T as well?

you guys might want to read this weeks cy-borg column. in short, he said that m1 blows!

not that there is anything wrong with that.

I read it. How many of you who are taking m-1-t agree?

i thought it fucking sucked balls and after 5 days of feeling like i was going to die every minute i was awake i decided to discontinue use. i originally started with 20 mg felt like death warmed over droped it to 10 mg and even felt worse…i couldnt EAT…and i i did eat i felt like puking for hours after…and i know for sure it was the methly1-test becausei quit using it and feel great today…having used d-bol and tren i have to say this drug is in no way the same as these… d-bol and tren actually make you feel good…this shit made me feel lethargic, dperessed, sick, and made my joints hurt so bad i was actually weaker…it was the worst experence of my life, i didnt even get to train yesterday as my joints hurt so bad and i felt like puking and was so lethargic the thought of bending down to pick up the plates was too much i could bare lol …it sucks …sucks…sucks…big martin

I completely respect Cy’s take on all things AAS and medical related. He has the education and experience that I do not. However, I don’t agree that it is complete shit. I gained 7lbs in 7 days and my weight increased significantly in all lifts. Yes, it does make you lethargic, gives some gastrointestinal difficulties, and probably has some liver toxicity issues, but it can’t be totally discounted. Would I use it again? Probably not. I am too concerned w/ my health and longevity to do it again when I have some nice Test Enth, Dbol, clomid, and Arim, waiting in my trunk locked away. I am curious to hear Macaijah’s input since he seems to have quite a bit of knowledge on M1T & all things anabolic.

Cy’s article was very interesting. I am a fan of his and I always value his advice.

Here’s my experience with it so far. I have been on M1T 5mg per day for about 9 days now. I’m using it to diet, as my calories are 500 below maintenance. I’m lifting weights 4 times a week and doing HIIT 3 times a week. I’ve done this training & diet protocol before and I usually can drop about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week.

What are different this time with M1T is: weight gain, strength increases, and great pumps while working out. Also, between the 2nd to the 6th day, I felt like I had the flu, but that went away. I think it might be M1T related as I hardly ever get sick.

I have lost 1/2 inch around my waist already, while gaining 4 pounds. I have not had a body fat test done yet, as I am saving that for the end of my cycle. But all my shirts are fitting much tighter and my pants are baggy around the waist. The visual difference is also pretty amazing.

It’s only been 9 days, so I have no idea if I’m going to keep any of the gains of not, but the fat loss are real and it’s happening faster then expected.

I want to wait two weeks after I finish the cycle before giving it a fair evaluation. Until then, I encourage everyone who is using it to share their experience too. As with every pro-hormone on the market, there isn’t going to be a major university study on the product. We are the Ginny pigs and it’s up to us to share our experiences with each other.

Is there a way to tell how effective a supplement/AAS is by its cheimcal structure??

again, as much as I appreciate the knowledge about compounds given on this site, one would have to be quite foolish to dismiss the effectiveness of m1t. Look around other boards and see the gains people are making on this stuff…it blows away the results of most, if not all, PH (1test) users. I know, this isn’t a PH but I am just stating what I’ve seen. I just find it hard to believe that everyone is getting placebo gains on this stuff at such low dosages while someone that uses mag10 or something will not see anything near what a m1t user would gain…funny how mag10 is chosen over m1t isnt it?..hmmm…i’d write more but I have to go take my myostat dosage…hehehe.

Boy…that sure is a great way of thinking. :slight_smile:

First, I wrote that column nearly a month ago. Secondly, if nothing else, it just goes to prove a point. People went in before using this compound thinking that it was whatever times more potent (some outrageous number) than testosterone and such. Well, the problem is that these bioassays performed on rats, which you’ll see in collections like Vida’s aren’t meant to be interpreted literally. First, they are rats, not humans, which they use. Secondly, the anabolic portion isn’t accurate as it’s performed on a muscle which is not skeletal muscle when they performed these bioassays. Is it accurate to say if they found one androgen to produce 10x the effects seen with another, that the stronger androgen was indeed, just that…stronger, but not necessarily 10x stronger? Yes, in the majority of cases. Last, no, it’s not really “funny” that the androgen in MAG-10 was chosen over the methylated version, no more funny than someone going by bioassays in Vida’s book and thinking that the methylated version is more potent than the parent molecule. I have data which conflicts with that…big deal. Again, if anything it goes to show that the data obtained from bioassays aren’t 100% accurate in terms of extrapolating the effects from rats to humans. It may very well be a potent androgen in humans, I don’t know. I don’t really take the time to read other “message boards” as I have just a tiny bit of a hectic schedule. If you think it’s great, keep using it, don’t let me stop you. I really don’t care. I won’t argue with “real world” results. I will however argue if I see data being used to support their use and it isn’t entirely accurate.

Cy since we have your attention my I ask you a question about RSOC Turinabol? Milligram per milligram is it half as effective as D-ball without the bloat, or is it closer to Winny? What would you say is the max dose and could it use be stretched out to 12 weeks? Last of all would it stack well with Mag-10? One other thing do you have any info on his Bolasterone product? Thanks so much, your opinion is highly valued.

I gained 12 lbs in 2 weeks @ 10 mg ED, and I look leaner and more vascular. My only complaint in regard to side effects was the lethargy—I felt like sleeping all day long. I will definitely run it again though.

Probably useless, but bump for Cy.

I’ve been on 10mg ed for a week now and I’m up from 202 to 209 lbs. A couple of things to note. First, i’ve been as heavy as 230, so “muscle memory” may play a bigger role with me than with someone else. Second, that 7 lbs came even though I was actually eating less last week (even with Thanksgiving) than I usually eat - yes, it really does kill the appetite. Third, my pants are actually looser in the waist - take that as you will.

I’ve experienced some nice strength gains BUT i’m also in week 4 of Berardi’s program so its impossible to credit the strength gains entirely to the M1T.

Visually my shoulders and back seem to have gotten the most benefit from the weight gain and, for some reason, my calves, which never seem to want to grow no matter what I do.

Negatives - lethargy, lethargy, lethargy. If I wasn’t at work right now I’d be home taking a nap. Its also done quite a number on my stomach. No nausea but just some general discomfort.

I’ll run it for another week - take two off, and decide at that time whether I want to do a second two weeker.

Guys. A friend of mine (who frequents this board) wants me to post his experiences for him because “he wants to protect his anonymity.” Sounds like he’s being a pussy if you ask me. Either that, or he figures he’s much more important than me… :slight_smile:

Anyway…here it is:

“As for the M1T, you should post the following on T-mag (I have to maintain
my anonymity). After 2 weeks, 10mg/day I’m up 10-15lbs depending on the
scale. I have also been off creatine for 2 weeks. Lifts haven’t gone up too
much based on my high volume traditional bodybuilding training. bodyfat has
dropped a little, though this could simply be my fat stretched accross a
larger surface. this shit must be taken with food, or you’ll want to puke.
BP elevated BIG TIME. despite my usual copious quantity of water
consumption, my urine is always dark yellow. My lower back gets pumped just
from walking, and I can feel my heart beat in this muscle group for several
minutes after I’ve sat down.”

Personally, I’ve never used the product, and am not in a position to comment.

Take it for what it’s worth…

My M1T use officially ended last night because of the searing headache I experienced from the BP increase. I was doing a warm up set of power cleans with 135 when i felt what can best be described as the worst pain i’ve ever felt shoot through my skull (and I’ve gotten Clen migraines before). The pain was so bad i had to go sit in the lockerroom for 10 minutes with a cold towel on my neck/head before i felt like i could drive home. I then went and sat in my living room with the lights off for another 20 minutes with a cold compress on my forehead. Finally the pain went away and I was left with a dull ache for the rest of the night.

So, no more M1t for this kid.

weapon x what was your dosage?