Messed Up with a Girl. Help Needed

How about this:

"Phillips accuses Dr. Sharon Irons of a “calculated, profound personal betrayal” after their affair six years ago, saying she secretly kept semen after they had oral sex, then used it to get pregnant.

Phillips was ordered to pay about $800 a month in child support, said Irons’ attorney, Enrico Mirabelli.

But the higher court ruled that, if Phillips’ story is true, Irons “deceitfully engaged in sexual acts, which no reasonable person would expect could result in pregnancy, to use plaintiff’s sperm in an unorthodox, unanticipated manner yielding extreme consequences.”

The judges backed the lower court decision to dismiss the fraud and theft claims, agreeing with Irons that she didn’t steal the sperm."

This actually sounds worse than the OP, just on the other side of the equation. But you see the phrase the judge used here, “no reasonable person would expect could result in pregnancy”, having sex with no condom and expecting pull-out perfection is definitely something that could result in pregnancy, or at least inadvertent insemination.

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He didn’t tell her she was a terrible person because she wouldn’t serve him water. He was in the kitchen getting a class before he left and she told him to leave right away and he got irritated that he couldn’t even have a glass of water. Mind you this is several hours after the fact. Next morning. Although they slept in different beds. So it had nothing to do with refusal to serve him water.

Also you can get pregnant with out climaxing inside. Would he be an awful person if she got pregnant had he still pulled out? This has occurred before.

The OPs transgression is he climaxed inside his girl while they agreed not to do that. They were drunk. Was that his intention all along? Did he get caught up in the moment. Was he not even aware what was happening as it happened? These are all things he did not share and neither of us know. He expressed remorse though.

Saying his actions are tantamount to rape or sexual assault is a gross exaggeration.

So Flip no action of yours in the past has ever emotionally disturbed someone? This girl is very likely not traumatized. She is very likely not going to have PTSD or anything of that nature. She is very likely going to stop thinking about it in a week and certainly after her next menstrual cycle.

You have been very open and candid about your life. Some of things you have shared if I were involved in those circumstances I would say would be very emotionally upsetting. More so than what this OPs lady friend went through. So while you might not have done something similar to what the OP did I would say you likely have done something that inflicted the equivalent amount of emotional anguish in someone you cared about or perhaps didn’t care about.

So you still think OP deserves to die? Prison time?

This is a horrendous thing to do. But I don’t think any criminal charges could or should be presented against any women who does this. Why? Because the man should not be so naive. If you are going to engage in sexual activity and you don’t want a child then insist on some form of birth control. If you don’t and a pregnancy occurs then that is your fault. Same in OP situation. I mentioned in a previous post how altered the mind can become during sex. The hormones flooding through the body. You do and say things you never would normally. Like you are on drugs because you kind of actually are.

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Based of this one incident I wouldn’t say the OP is an asshole. It was certainly asshole behavior on the OPs part. Post ejaculation of course. Because we don’t exactly know if he had planned on finishing inside in the first place. But the OP might be an ok guy in general. Point is we have all done and behaved horribly in the past at some point. Of course I know a bunch of guys will chyme in now saying how the op is deplorable and no decent man would ever do such a thing. Yeah yeah shut the fuck up.

I am a good person. I try to make the world a better place every day but I have also occasionally been a real shit head. Before anyone reads into that no I have never broken prior agreement to avoid ejaculate in the vagina. Actually on the contrary girls try to make me agree to leave my ejaculate in their vagina. They all want my seed.

I wouldn’t either, but he’s started other threads…

I’ll take that back. I guess it was his username that made me remember him as a dick. I clicked on his posts and maybe he’s not such an asshole after all. He definitely has some misguided ideas about relationships and women. He’s also Indian, and, well, in my limited second-hand experience Indian men interacting with western women over the internet sometimes leads to awkward exchanges. A friend of mine took up stripping last year, started an instagram page to promote herself and she’s got all kinds of hilarious exchanges with Indian guys saved. BOOBS NOW PLS. I BEG!!!

To his credit, he’s being candid about his fuckups and looking for help.

Thanks a lot everyone who spoke in my support . I really appriciate that. I ask you guys for advice because i don’t live in India anymore . I have been going out with white girls exclusively for the past 1-2 years. I know very well the psychology of indian girls and how to deal with them but i still need to learn when it comes to white girls.

Irrelevant scenario in my opinion, if hed had a vasectomy the chance of her getting pregnant is extremely, EXTREMELY small (botched vasectomy), so the girl (keep in mind they’d been fucking for about a month, therefore if no STI was apparent as shed probably given him a blowjob before and they trusted each other (as the whole thing was about trust) and he’d had a vasectomy it’s safe to say unprotected sex would easily be on the table) I highly doubt the girl would say “please don’t unload you’re wank paste into me” because there’s be no reason for her to say so (unless there’s some sort of religious or personal reason? But I think most religions disapprove of premarital sex, I know mine does, but I’m not religious so fuck that haha), therefore the scenario doesn’t make sense.

No, if she gets pregnant due to his incompetence that’s a direct result of his failure to consent during sex or he purposefully unloaded his cock snot inside of her (these euphamisms are getting progressively more crude) despite her telling him not to, that should be punishable. If she gets pregnant and dies his action didn’t kill her, the pregnancy killed her. manslaughter is the unintended killing of someone, for instance if he’d gotten pissed off when she told him to leave and pushed her, resulting in her hitting her head on the corner of a desk or something, causing subdermal hemmoraging and ultimately death or if he was drunk, got in a car and accidentally ran her over due to negligence (driving drunk) and killed her, his actions in both these cases directly but unintentionally killed her, its manslaughter as his immediate action caused her death, if she gets pregnant from his failure to consent and the PREGNANCY has complications, what happens to her while pregnant, it isn’t an example of him killing anyone, not even indirectly, as his action had nothing to do with the death, the pregnancy did.

Neither parties fault, therefore nothing wrong has been done, unless the condom was broken on purpose. We are talking about a sexual partner saying “don’t finish inside” and the partner potentially deliberately finishing inside anyway

I don’t know what form of crime this is, but these actions shouldn’t go unpunished, it’s manipulative, decietful and immoral, a child is a big deal, it’s like fucking someone, but you have aids, and you give the other person aids therefore burdening them for the rest of their life, this should be (and is in some countries) a prosecutable offence. Women do tend to get away with these crimes far more than men, and most women on man cases of sexual deciet, misconduct and assault go unpunished or unreported, which is total BS, and the meto movement isn’t helping

Nowhere does it state the girl was drunk, just him, now I’ll agree whether the action constitutes as sexual assault does depend on whether OP came inside her on purpose, but from reading the above post it seems like “she told me not to, but I did anyway”

What? No, if a woman tells me she’s on the pill, I should be inclined to believe she’s telling the truth, only a giant piece of shit lies about that stuff. If I’m horny and I want to fuck and a chick tells me she’s on the pill, of course I’m going to slam dunk that opportunity presuming she’s okay with the fact that I’m not looking for a relationship, and I tend to make that super clear to the girls I meet. (then again there’s like a 99 percent chance I’m sterile therefore it wouldn’t matter even if she wasn’t in my case haha)

@flappinit @physioLojik

Hey guys, read the original post at the top if you feel like having your entire day ruined or feel like going to sleep mildly disturbed

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Why do you need to know the psychology of “white girls”, women are impossible to understand lol, at least to me they are, so don’t bother trying. What this post sounds like to me is “I know how to manipulate Indian girls but not white girls”, so I need to learn how to manipulate white girls"

Haha really dude.

I’d engaged further but

I am all out of crayons and some of you fuckers are just slow.

British case.

"In the instant case the court concluded that if, before penetration, A determined to ejaculate inside F and ultimately deliberately did so, F was “deprived of choice
relating to the crucial feature on which her original consent to sexual intercourse was based” (at [26]). Accordingly, her consent was vitiated. The same conclusion would be reached if, after sexual intercourse commenced, A made the deliberate decision to ejaculate inside F, as penetration is a continuing act from entry to withdrawal (s.79(2))

The court was at pains to underline that it was not concerned with situations where
a man ejaculates prematurely or “accidentally” before withdrawal during an act of
consensual intercourse. “These things happen. They always have and they always
will, and no offence is committed when they do” (at [24])."

I have no opinion.

While this statement is humorous (the crayons part), the fact that you, as presumably a grown man decided to insult me (someone who legally isn’t even an adult) over the fact that we have different opinions on this matter shows a lack or maturity or tolerance for others opinions. I’m not slow, quite the contrary. I think we should simply agree to disagree and not engage each other further on this subject, you think you’re right and I think I’m right, there isn’t any point continuing the argument as it won’t convince either of us to change our opinions on the subject (and it appears to be irritating you), I’d engage you further on the subject but it doesn’t appear you have the maturity or grace to respond appropriately. (hit me back with whatever zinger you have in store for me being a fucking moron, stupid uneducated child or whatever, I’m not going to dignify it with a response), I’m dignifying the previous comment with a response to announce an end to my side of the argument or whatever you want to call it


I should also clarify I don’t think this is why @flipcollar responds the way he does either, from my perspective, and what I assume to be his, the individual who created this thread did something we consider to be morally deplorable, I hesitate to use the word abrasive, as I don’t want to upset anyone, but Flipcollar seems to be the type of person who simply says what comes to his mind without filtering his voice, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, honesty is an admirable trait. To say that his responses are due to his “drug use” is an innapropriate statement to make, from what you perceive to be drug use (use of anabolic androgenic steroids at doses above what is therapeutically/medically indicated) I’m also a “drug user” whatever that means, therefore why aren’t my responses aggressive and tinged with “roid-rage”? I’m not going to deny it isn’t drug use, however there’s a difference between AAS use and crystal methamphetamine or other hard drugs, anabolic steroids don’t completely alter your personality and transform you into an aggressive asshat, it’s a phallacy. To pin someones aggressive response on the use of anabolic steroids is absurd.

Nothing but speculation. Ask the OP is he intentionally didn’t pull it out.

This explains a lot.

Someone got a D- in reading comprehension

Unless @flipcollar turns you on, this argument has no relevance.

I think what dude is trying to say is he needs to get used to dealing with women from a different culture than what he’s used to…

I think the real tragedy here is not unwanted cream pies but the fact that my fantastic call back goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

A D-… FUCK YEA! Thats still above an E! Just kidding, I’ll have you know my English grade is actually currently averaging an A sir

Care to elaborate? Had I not mentioned I wasn’t legally an adult, it isn’t as if you’d’ve picked up on it, I didn’t come across as cocky, arrogant or a dick in any of my previous post… Wait, the funny semen euphamisms def gave it away hahaha. However I perceive the “this explains a lot” comment as an insult to my intellect, firstly I’d like to clarify a few things, just because I’m not older than you doesn’t automatically make me some stupid child you have the ability to talk down to (well actually, you have the ability to do whatever you want, freedom of speech and all), however the “he’s a kid, therefore his opinion isnt valid” is a notion that annoys the hell out of me, had I become aggressive in any of my responses I’d be labelled an angsty, know it all teenager, yet some of the adults tend to insult people on this forum and get more aggressive than I ever have in my entire time posting here. My opinion is just as valid as yours, despite the age gap, and not that it makes any difference in the very new future I will be legally considered an adult (although I think the notion is stupid, eighteen isn’t really an adult, have you seen how stupid most 18 year olds are (don’t say case in point, that’s just annoying)) I was saying im below the legal age to be considered an adult to strengthen my arguement. If you’d like to give me constructive criticism then go ahead, I’ll listen eagerly or potentially disagree, but there’s no reason at all to insult me.

You’re probably right there, it just seemed strange he said he needed to understand the “psychology” of white women, came across kind of… Creepy ya know

Also I think you misunderstood my statement here, I was saying we were talking about a situation in which this occured, I don’t know whether OP came inside her on purpose, I’ll ask him now (although if he did the chance of him answering honestly is doubtful considering the in my opinion admittedly deserved flamestorm he got)

You come across as someone who has very little experience with women. Or little girls, in your case.