Menstruation a Good Excuse to Skip a Workout?

Thanks, this sounds legit as an excuse from the sounds of things.

For the record, female friend skipped a week of squat-based workouts and I guess I’ll let it slide.

[quote]Samir wrote:
Thanks, this sounds legit as an excuse from the sounds of things.

For the record, female friend skipped a week of squat-based workouts and I guess I’ll let it slide. [/quote]

A week sounds a tad excessive lol

But whatever, it’s her progress. Probably why I’m not a trainer and don’t have a training partner :wink:

Took a knife to the arm once emergency room visit, stitches and still didn’t miss my gym time that day.

If blood came from my dick just once I would take 2 weeks off just to ask the almighty WHY …9000 Times.

I agree with Deb.

A week is way excessive for most women. The first day I can understand because that is really when it is the worst. The rest of the time it is more of an annoyance at most.

However, I don’t know this woman, and there are some women who do suffer more than others. But I do think that they are fairly rare. I have only known one who had really bad, heavy painful periods every month. She actually became anemic because of them.

yeah, anemia/underweight is what I’m dealing with also. I don’t know if it’s scientific, but I’m just going to chalk it up to “expelled hemoglobin” I’m letting it go.

I’ve trained with 2-3 girls and 2-3 guys lately and I’ve noticed girls tend to need longer breaks to recover and guys tend to need whatever it is that cures iPhoneitis.

Each woman is very different. The first day for me is no problem. Its the second day. Usually I have a headache from start to finish which inhibits me a bit as well. There is also the tiredness that comes along with it. This men will never understand and I don’t actually understand it either but I’m exhausted either right before or the day to two when it starts so if it doesn’t inhibit (sp) you, it will slow you down a little.