Meltdown training + 2 Chest training

Hi, I will start meltdown training tomorrow. This training don’t have Chest exercices. Do you know if it’s possible to add 2 shorts chest training on my OFF day.
Is Overtraiing ?
I don’t want loose my beautiful chest :wink:


What about the dips and pushups that are included in Meltdown? Anyway, I’m sure you could add a chest exercise or two at the end of 1 or 2 of your workouts a week to keep the chest growing.

I substituted Bench Press for Push ups on day 1 and on day 2, the routine calls for Dips. Just change your grip to a wider grip to emphazise your chest more than your triceps. I wouldn’t add another day, that’s way to much.

Jason Norcross:I know that push-up work on chest but not directly like dumbbell press or fly. I know that Dip work good for lower but I prefer decline fly. To resolve my problem, I will may be substitude some exercice and 1 1 chest training on a OFF day

Maybe this will help, maybe not. Dips can target the pecs or the tris, depending on how you do them. To target the tris, try to keep your body vertical and elbows in. If you have a choice, closer bars are better. To target the pecs, try to lean foreward, keep elbows out, look down, and go down ALL the way. Bars further apart are better, and, if the bars flare out, face the bars so they converge in front of you (the other way for tris). This was in a T-mag article somewhere, but I can’t remember which one.

Bypo - My suggestion is to do Meltdown exactly as outlined. At the end either workout A or B, you could do a few sets of bench press or your favorite pec exercise. It would look like this:

Mon - Meltdown A + 2-3 sets bench press

Tues - Meltdown B

Wed - off

Thurs - Meltdown A + 2-3 sets incline press

Fri - Meltdown B

Sat & Sun - off

This is just a suggestion, but I hope this helps clarify my previous idea. Add a pec exercise at the end of your workout rather than switching one of the meltdown exercises.

Isolation type movements, such as flyes, are worthless when performed as core exercises. Sure you’ll get a good pump, and feel the target muscle being worked, but you’re setting yourself up for some future problems. If you are going to do only 1 exercise for a body part, you’d get much greater results by performing a compound movement. Compound movements recruit your “stabilizer” muscles to a much greater degree than any isolation-type movement. Neglecting to train the stabilizers will eventually result in a devestating plateau in growth and strength; as your body will inhibit larger groups from growing until your stabalizers catch up. Isolation-type movements, such as flyes, should be limited to a few sets only AFTER compound movements are complete. I like to use them to superset the primary muscle worked during a compound movement. An example of this would be supersetting paralell bar dips with overhead tricep extensions, or with decline flyes (depending on the muscle you are concentrating on most for that particular workout). There are so many compound movements out there that there is no reason to ever do an isolation-type movement as a primary exercise. As for meltdown, the compound movements should be sufficient. But if you want to throw in another compound movement that targets another area of the chest, such as incline barbell presses as Jason N. recommends, then i don’t see a problem with that.