Mega Noob Needs Insight

[quote]Bloodpool wrote:
Ok, Now you guys know what i eat. And when i mention Fruits/Vegetables i mean carrots, apples, pineapple, berries, cherries, broccoli, coli flour, spinach, peppers (green preferable). I stay away from banana due to some research i found which causes your sugar to spike due to a compound which will trigger insulin to skyrocket and thus make you retain fat. Not exactly in those words but yeah. I stay away from ANYTHING that is white. Potatoes, Rice, Any bread that’s not wheat. There is a bunch of other stuff but i hope this is enough to keep you guys thinking. [/quote]

This is my opinion as someone who went from 300 to 160 and back up to 220 and now down to 197.

I have been training as a powerlifter for 7 months now, my strength is up, my explosiveness is up, body weight is down, and every day I feel a bit better ( outside of the muscle aches here and there ).

Your diet is lacking severely. Mine was too ( mainly carbs and fat, not enough protein ). There are plenty of threads about Diet so I won’t go into huge detail. Try to get 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight as a minimum starting point, 1.5 is better. Drop the wheat toast from your breakfast, you don’t need carbs at breakfast since you’re trying to lose fat.

If you are only training 3 days a week, you should make sure you’re doing a quality total body training routine. There’s tons of threads about that.

Here would be a better source for routines ( it would increase your days of training most likely )

Lastly - drop the idea of steroids, you’re far from ready for that. Get your body fat down, get your diet in check with your goals, get a better training program and drop all notion of steroids for a good long while.