Meet Results

Weigh-in: 195 (198lb Class)
Class: Junior
APF IA/NE Meet results at:

Squat: 611 (76lb PR - new IA State Record)
Video: Here

Bench: 352
Video: Here

Deadlift: 529 (14lb PR)
Video: Here

I’ve been training with Bill Carpenter for my bench, and I just simply didn’t preform on the bench at the meet. Immaturity with the shirt. Everything else was fine, but I need to get in shape so I don’t feel so sluggish when the deadlift comes.

Meet PR: 157lbs Last meet: 8 weeks before this meet.

Awesome job.

good shit dude! it’s nice to hear your little support team rooting for you behind the camera.

Nice squat @ 198. Good job…keep improving.

Good job. Thanks for posting the pics.

WOW…awesome squat landon…you are really doing great…keep it up man…awesome job…bm

ps…i wish there were a few more kids in my area with your dedication and work ethic…it is truly impressive…