McCain Diagnosed with Aggressive Brain Cancer

There’s a remarkable new paper out in “Science” on glioblastoma and the cell division cycle and hierarchy (along with some interesting and really significant inhibition findings).

Of course if I posted it here I’d get a blabbering clown trying to respond with reefer induced hallucinations

That’s a hideous thought. You bastard! Now my mind feels infected…

Zep has no idea how much pain I experience coming up with these things.

It hurt me to think that.

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Here’s something to help us both.

images (16)


No ketone free diet is going to slow or impede glioblastoma. This is way past switching to an all protein diet and being in ketosis.
He would be better off taking a bunch of weed and oxycodone. He’s going to die soone than later. It’s the facts of the disease. Why it grows and grows so fast once treated is a mystery. It’s like spraying a bug with Raid and it just makes the bug stronger. You need to study this disease.
I give McCain 6 months of work max and 12 months life max. I have seen this disease first hand. The only good news is that it does not tease, it kills quickly. I wish the best for the senator. I say a year and we are burying hI’m with honors.

Your subconscious was remembering this movie.


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Worth a try. What does he have to loose?

It saved Dr. Squat. In the video Professor Seyfried explains the why the ketogenic diet works. Cancer is a metabolic disease not a genetic one.

Cancer is a varied disease and anything that helps cells replicate help cancer. Sure he can try it. But diet does not cure glioblastoma. It’s a particularly violent cancer and he will die soon no matter what. Being a meat lover myself, I’d have no problem giving it a go. But at best he can buy minutes not days weeks or months. McCain is ddead man walking.

Not according to Professor Seyfried.

I didn’t say it could cure it only that it could manage it better than the standard western medicines(poisons).

What are the mortality rates of each type of treatment?

serious question

Statistics can be hard to find. And if the stats for chemo are embarrassing can we be sure they will ever be divulged? An article with plenty of links on the survival rates of cancer patients treated with chemo. How many people have died from chemotherapy, not cancer? -

Robb Wolf wrote an article on ketosis and cancer.

Not sure what exactly you mean when you say “each type of treatment”.

If you don’t have any stats, how can you say


I mean your way vs Pharma’s way.

Did you see the stats of people diagnosed vs. those who died? And this is the treatment you champion?

How many people you know that have cancer and are treated by the standard treatments and do and look well?

The treament using ketosis works better without the horrible side effects.


That only shows the success rate of the chemo. It doesn’t show the success rate of your way. I’m 100% on board with believing everything you say. If it’s as good as you preach, it should have enough known success to provide data, yes?

My aunt had lung cancer, wife’s aunt had skin cancer. Both underwent conventional treatment and are currently cancer free.

My wife’s grandma died of lung cancer at the age of ~85. She was diagnosed at 75 and was given 3 years to live. Due to conventional treatment, she got to hold my first daughter before she died.


Yes the stats they show only dealt with chemo.

If it’s as good as you preach, it should have enough known success to provide data, yes? Not necessarily who would fund the studies in the U.S.? Certainly not Big Pharma because they couldn’t make any or little money offering diet protocols. In fact, they have a vested interest to suppress any info that could compete and take away from their profits.

I’m not saying there aren’t any stats. Just that I’m not sure where to find them. My suggestion would be to look at Professor Seyfried of Boston College as he seems to be a leader in the field. If you find some be sure to pass them to me and post them on here.

The people you know that had cancer have done much better than the folks I’ve known that found themselves in those unfortunate circumstances.

When I was much younger a friend of mine had leukemia and died after conventional treatments. My aunt who was 45 died of breast cancer after being treated conventionally. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and to my knowledge has refused conventional treatment so far as she saw what it had done to her daughter.

Happy to hear your grandmother got her wish, I’m sure.

…he typed on a website that offers free exercise and nutrition programs and advice…

You want me to call ski patrol?

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Studies revolving around the various health impacts of all the things you scream about happen literally every day. You just don’t pay attention. There’s a stupid amount of money in the “health and wholeness” sector, just not as much as Pharma.

Who would fund the studies other than Big Pharma? Whole Foods. GNC. Literally every organic superfarm.

If you aren’t sure where to find them, that means you haven’t found them yet right? And if you haven’t found them yet, it means you’ve never even seen the stats. How can you preach about something as important as SURVIVING CANCER if you’ve never even seen the stats?

This is the very nature of the disease. Unless caught extremely early, cancer is ALWAYS a bad sign. The odds of survival are never great. Even with my 2 stories of survivors, I have ~8 more from my family alone where people got lung/liver cancer and conventional treatment wasn’t enough to save them. That doesn’t mean conventional treatment killed them. They had terminal cancer. They were going to die with or without it.


Glioblastoma is not managable, it’s a death sentence. You can remove the tumor and 3 months later it’s twice as big. The prognosis is bad under any circumstances. McCain is dead man walking.
The mechanisms of the disease are not well understood so treatment options are limited. There is no foo foo powder for it. I think he should be fucking his wife, putting his affairs in order, maybe try heroin and coke. Slap a hoe. Live the rest of his short life enjoying shit. He has less than a year at best. He must love work because he does not have long to do it.
He’s done many noble thinges in his life, I don’t think this is one of him. He needs to find his replacement and support them fully while spending the rest of his time with his family. He’s not going to lay on his deathbed thinking he should have spent more time with Elizabeth Warren, he’ll think of his family.


Ding ding ding.

He’s at that stage of enlightenment where you just know stuff. Not actual information or anything, but you know, you just like, know stuff.

It like being educated without being bogged down by information.