Maybe SOME Good News from the FDA

On a very tangential note:
My son was walking through the woods with a mycologist, who was pointing out various species of mushrooms. My son asked him, 'Which ones can be eaten?" To which the mycologist replied, brightly, “Oh, they can all be eaten. Some more than once!”


That can get tricky. I stay away from tricky.

Me and my father in law have had our differences. Oe time he was pushing too far and I told him he better back off. He said “What if I don’t? What are you going to do about it?”

I just smiled and told him “I’ll make you a wonderful cream of mushroom soup. It is to die for!”

He has never eaten another thing I’ve prepared.


No, he’s a quack because he propagates utter and demonstrable horseshit. Like the autism/ vaccine link, or the incredibly harmful falsehood that HIV is not the main driver of the aids virus.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.


Who is they? And you can replenish brain cells. What good is done vs. damage? What are the negative effects from pharmaceuticals?

It was legal medicinally for 20 years in California. So to claim that people just want to get high is the reason over a million people claim it to be helpful is incredibly ignorant. It was legalized through the public demand as it was felt by many people to be more effective with less side effects than pharmaceuticals. Big Pharma fought this as it would cut into their profit. It is used for far more than cancer.

I’m not familiar with everything he advocates but know well enough that the mainstream paints everyone who has a different theory than them as a quack. Meanwhile they poison people with chemo and burn them with radiation. Patients often die of complications brought on by the treatment than the disease itself. And these are the people to trust? Why advocate something that is non-toxic and has better results when they can make millions poisoning and burning people? Viva la U.S. “healthcare” system. The best, that makes you pay twice as much as the public in any other industrialized country and ranks 37th for overall outcomes by the W.H.O. Something to be proud of for sure.

Wrong. Once again, your cart-> horse relationship is baffled. The medical movement started with cancer to help with appetite during chemo- by people who smoked dope and coincidentally noticed the side effect of munchies/better appetite.

As far as what it is used for- at this point that is as much of a crap shoot as its origin. No one really knows exactly what actions or interactions are possible, probable, or even effective.

Once again, your claim to some mystical knowledge is bogus.

Dude, you are using him as a source. When you cite someone approvingly, you take the licks that come with that.

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Interestingly enough, this writer argues that legalization of marijuana removed a revenue stream for the cartels who in turn responded by “beefing up” their heroin with fentanyl.

The public was getting relief from symptoms more so than pharmaceuticals with less side effects, that is why it has been legalized medicinally in 28 states plus D.C. The claims made by over a million people are not mystical and neither are the benefits they are saying they receive from the herb. It is you who are blinded by the industry that concerns themselves with profits over people. Your cart of profits before the horse of health is the one that is supremely wrong.

And you support a system that routinely kills 100,000 a year.,000_americans_die_each_year_from_prescription_drugs,_while_pharma_companies_get_rich

More bullshit that can’t be true because it isn’t sanctioned by the mainstream.

A. AlterNet is a rag.
B. I have laid 0 policy prescriptions thus far.
C. You are utilising piss poor sources, and running from the implications. The utter trouncing you are receiving from ED, Aragorn et. al is invisible only to yourself.

Perhaps when you go to war, you shouldn’t shoot yourself in the foot on the first shot, especially not after having inserted said foot into your mouth.

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Alternet is a rag. Then what do you consider a reliable source?

So you’ve laid no policy prescriptions? Am I too assume you are not against medicinal marijuana and offering cellular medicine as a choice to the American consumer?

No, you are to assume nothing. You like to put words in people’s mouths.

Is this site more to your approval? New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages | Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics

“Flooding the market with hundreds of minor variations seems to be the hidden business model of drug companies, to exploit patent and other IP protections for profits, not for significant advances for patient health.”

So where is the focus of the industry? More on the industry and it’s practices.

There should be a major look at how painkillers and opioids are prescribed across the western world. What has marijuana got to do with it?

There are no hard and fast rules on that. But alternet is in the same bucket as Breitbart, so there is that.

Harvard ethics is significantly better than alternet, yes.

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How did marijuana become medicinally legal in 28 states plus D.C. considering the lack of double-blind randomized studies? And how does this relate to having cellular medicine as a choice for the American public?

What possible reason do you have for asking that question based on my response to you?

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