Matt Kroc Transitions to Janae Kroc

Ha, that’s the lead in song to the Moonbat Emails segment on the local talk radio in the afternoon.

Everyone’s supposed to sing along at the “mystic crystal revelations” line.

Only time will tell. 50 years from now, this issue will be completely sorted out/settled, and in retrospect, one of us is going to look like an idiot. Neither of us will be around to gloat.

Some of you also tend to miss the boat on ending slavery, miscegenation, the oppression of women, the exploitation of children, belief in witchcraft, the geocentric model of the universe…

It’s important to separate empirical from non-empirical issues. The question of whether being sexually attracted to children is innate is indeed empirical, and must be addressed as such. On the other hand, the question of whether pedophilia is acceptable is not empirical, but rather moral/ethical. Thus, I can say with complete confidence that, whether or not sexual attraction to children turns out to be innate, sexual relations between adults and children will never be acceptable (much less legal). Contrary to the frequently-voiced claims of the anti-science alarmists among us, the mere fact that something is innate does not mean it must be accepted/condoned.


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You lost me here. Are you suggesting that, if pedophilia is found to be innate, there will be a significant movement to reclassify it as acceptable?

You mean that you don’t know about the current one?

Oh boy. :expressionless:

I’m dimly aware of organizations such as NAMBLA. How successful have they been in their attempt to normalize pedophilia?

Not at all, to my knowledge, but it is a movement of sorts, and they are trying to reclassify that type of activity as acceptable.
Edited to change normal to acceptable.

Indeed they are. Extremist groups espousing horrific, morally indefensible ideas have always been among us (and always will). But my point is, even if the science demonstrated unequivocally that sexual attraction to children is innate, this would in no way compel a change in attitude regarding the acceptability of pedophilia–it (pedophilia) would remain just as immoral and unacceptable as it is now. The same would be true if we discovered a biological basis for other behaviors considered morally unacceptable (eg, criminality).
