Matt Kroc Transitions to Janae Kroc

We shall see, either the previous article you posted made a bad prediction or this is just temporary and stock price will go up eventually or at least level out with its competitors. I’ll go with the latter as most of the damage has been done so sales can only go up after people start getting lazy on their little protest.

Poor, ignorant, racist, emotional voter, prone to violence and general acts of stupidity. Obama largely motivated and got those sorts of people out voting a few years back.

So, you are essentially conceding my point concerning the current state of the GOP.

BTW, Obama essentially tied Romney with respect to voters with an educational achievement of ‘some college’ and ‘college grad,’ and whomped him among those with post-graduate education.

I got this stirred up and now it’s getting off track again.
(1) Ding dongs do not belong in the ladies room.
(2) Hoo haas do not belong in the mens room.
(3) “Transgenderism” is a mental disorder.

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Yeah, I have to believe if there ever was a mental disorder this is certainly one.

I mean they call someone who washes their hands frequently someone in need of a good Psychologist or Psychiatrist. But someone who wants to parade around in women’s cloths is perfectly normal?

This is one more illustration of how the left has perverted what is normal into one more political constituency.

One more point should one of these people attempt to use a bathroom at the same time my daughter is in there I will protest greatly…you can take it from there.

What if someone identifies as a dog, or a lamp?

Seriously, how far are we going to take this complete load of crap?

Trangenderism is a classic example of an issue where common sense fails to accurately reflect reality, and why ‘going with one’s gut’ is often a surefire method for being led astray. The fact is, thousands of highly intelligent, well-educated, experienced mental health professionals have been studying this issue for many, many years, and have concluded that transgenderism is an uncommon-but-normal variant of human gender. The fact that this strikes laypersons as counter-intuitive–as defying common sense–does not make it untrue.

If you stop and think about it, there are many facts-about-the-world that are utterly counter-intuitive, and all were initially dismissed as nonsense for this very reason. These would include:
–The fact that the earth is round (it sure looks flat)
–The fact that the earth is rotating (the earth is obviously stationary–if it was moving, we would be able to feel it)
–The fact that the earth orbits the sun (common sense says the opposite is true; ie, that the sun orbits the earth)
–The fact of gravitational attraction (this implies action-at-a-distance, which is impossible)
–The fact of evolution (clearly, the animals around us are not changing appreciably)

Are some common-sense impressions accurate? Sure. But common sense in and of itself is a notoriously unreliable index of truth. This is why empirical issues must be addressed empirically.


The people you are arguing with aren’t too much into evolution. If we were back in the days I am pretty sure they wouldn’t be into round earth too.

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You mean back in the days when “thousands of highly intelligent, well-educated, experienced” experts said that it was irrefutable scientific fact that the world was flat and that the sun and stars rotated around it?

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You’re making my point for me. Those days were pre-scientific, so there were no scientists, and no scientific facts. There were plenty of highly intelligent ‘experts,’ and they all went with the common-sense explanations of a flat earth and geocentric universe.

Did anyone read Matt Kroc’s latest Instagram post?

I don’t know how to Instagram–can you link it?

I will post it. Let me get it. Be back.

“Even though I hashtag everything ‪#‎genderfluid‬ ‪#‎nonbinary‬ ‪#‎bigender‬ I probably don’t do a very good job of explaining that I still live life in both genders and often somewhere in between. I really don’t fit into any of the boxes that Society tries to force us into and I’m totally comfortable with that. In some ways I’m both male and female and in other ways I can’t relate to either gender. For a lot of us in this world it just isn’t that simple. For most of my life I struggled trying to figure out what box I fit into before I finally realized that there’s no need to fit into any of them. This isn’t to say that I still don’t identify as ‪#‎transgender‬ it’s just that things are a little more complicated for me. I am on female hormone therapy and moving more towards the feminine end of the spectrum but it really is a spectrum for me and not just an either-or. So if you’re someone who can relate don’t worry about trying to fit into any specific box just be yourself and it’s totally ok if there isn’t a label for that.”

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I’m trying to be level headed here, but I gotta tell you, my patience for people constantly grieving against “society” is wearing thin.

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I agree Brick. Inner turmoil is not an entire society’s doing.

I like this guys take-