Matt Furey very anti deadlift

I bought Matt Furey’s Combat Conditioning book a cuple years ago and I still get newsletter messages to my old email account that I rarely check. (I never really read these just usually delete them.) I went to clean the account today and saw this new one and the title so read it.

Anyways I don’t agree with this at all. I just thought you guys may get a kick out of it.

An Exercise That Destroys Your Lower Back

Dear Kevin,
A couple weeks ago I took my son, Frank, to the pool for a schwim (that’s
how he pronounces it). While there I saw my neighbor, Bob, and we
began to rap.

Bob’s had back pain for quite some time, well over a year. He tells
me that he thinks some of the exercises he does in the gym may
be contributing to it. “What exercises would those be?” I asked.

“Well, I do deadlifts,” he said.

“Oooh, I see,” I cringed.

“I know, they’re probably not good for me,” said Bob.

“PROBABLY not???” I replied. “Why, if I was drinking coffe right
now I’d spit it up. You’re literally doing the worst thing you can
do to your back.”

“You think so?”

An Exercise That Destroys Your Lower Back

Dear Kevin,
A couple weeks ago I took my son, Frank, to the pool for a schwim (that’s
how he pronounces it). While there I saw my neighbor, Bob, and we
began to rap.

Bob’s had back pain for quite some time, well over a year. He tells
me that he thinks some of the exercises he does in the gym may
be contributing to it. “What exercises would those be?” I asked.

“Well, I do deadlifts,” he said.

“Oooh, I see,” I cringed.

“I know, they’re probably not good for me,” said Bob.

“PROBABLY not???” I replied. “Why, if I was drinking coffe right
now I’d spit it up. You’re literally doing the worst thing you can
do to your back.”

“You think so?”

An Exercise That Destroys Your Lower Back

Dear Kevin,
A couple weeks ago I took my son, Frank, to the pool for a schwim (that’s
how he pronounces it). While there I saw my neighbor, Bob, and we
began to rap.

Bob’s had back pain for quite some time, well over a year. He tells
me that he thinks some of the exercises he does in the gym may
be contributing to it. “What exercises would those be?” I asked.

“Well, I do deadlifts,” he said.

“Oooh, I see,” I cringed.

“I know, they’re probably not good for me,” said Bob.

“PROBABLY not???” I replied. “Why, if I was drinking coffe right
now I’d spit it up. You’re literally doing the worst thing you can
do to your back.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. Dude, you’re in pain. You’ve been hobbling around
since I met you. And you’re doing dead lifts? You’re not insane,
are you?”

Bob laughed. “No, I’m not - but you never know.” Then he asked
me why deadlifts are so bad for you.

“Because the leverage on them is mechanically all wrong. Even when
you know the proper technique, it doesn’t matter. It still throws your
lower back out. Sure, deadlifts can make you stronger - but not in
the long run. In the long run they cripple you.”

“That’s how I feel right now,” said Bob.

“Look, about 80% of Americans will have a job-related lower back
injury. That’s eighty percent. This means that eight out of ten
people, if they were to do deadlifts, are already at a disadvantage.”

“I never thought of it that way,” Bob replied.

“And the other twenty percent, they’re going to have lower back
pain if they do deadlifts. I rank them as the WORST exercise for
your lower back.”

“What do you recommend as the best?” Bob asked.

“I recommend the bridge. And if you’re not physically capable of
doing the bridge just yet, start by lying across one of those Swedish
balls. Do that at first and once your back starts to regain flexibility,
then you can move on to bridging on the floor.”

The good news is that Bob took my advice. He started bridging across the
ball - then later from the floor. Within a few days his back pain was gone.

Thinking he was “home free” he went back to the gym to check on his
deadlifts. Two hours later he pulled his back while pumping gas.

He had to wait several days before he could move enough to even get
on the ball to bridge. But, once again, within a few days of doing so, he
was out of pain. So far he hasn’t gone in for a “deadlift relapse” - er,
checkup - and I’m hoping it stays that way.

Always remember, the bench press destroys the shoulder and deadlifts
ruin the lower back. In the future I’ll tell you about other weight lifting/
training exercises you’ll want to avoid.

Until then, kick butt - take names!

He must be ZEB’s brother.

This reads like one person’s opinion based on a few anecdotal cases.

I do agree that bridges are good, but they are more a flexibility exercise than strength.

Hey, Franco deadlifted 700, and he’s also a chiropractor. That means he knows something about the spine.

thats good enuf for me.


If you check out Fureys site you’ll see that he’s big into bodyweight exercises, and not a fan of weight training. Everyone has got their own preferences I suppose.

Kevin - If you wouldn’t mind I’d like to hear your opinion of the combat conditioning book.

Lol Goldberg! I suppose squats destroy your legs, too. Let’s get ZEB’s cousin to write that one…

Sounds like just another guy pushing his own agenda. He loves those bridge novelty things.

orion759 - I haven?t looked at the book for a long time. Also I did not use the techniques enough to give a very good opinion.
It seemed to be a nice collection of bodyweight exercises though. He talks about what he calls the Royal Court which is a variety of bodyweight squats, push ups , and then a back bridge. Then there are descriptions and pictures of many more movements. The book could be nice for someone to have in there arsenal for bodyweight movements for variety. There is quite a bit of articles on bodyweight movements here though so…

There of course is an article on t-mag from Mike Mahler on his experience with The Royal Court. “Combat conditioning”

Bahahahaahahahahaha! What a crock of shit!

I could labour the point that excersises done properly with reasonable weights are generally safe, but I wont.

I will depart from my usual analytical style to say the following:

You want anecdotal? I’ll give you anecdotal. I was in a car accident while sitting in the back of a pick-up truck. I had sciatica and injured discs and muscle damage, blah blah blah, and I was about 17 or 18 at the time. I could barely walk. I couln’t lift and over the next few years I whithered from 85 at 10% to 70 at 15%. I’m 6 feet tall.

Then, after getting the all-clear from my doctor, I began training again. Focusing on bringing up my weak back. At first, cat-camels and supermans, then toe-touches.

As I got stronger, I moved on to moving on to hypers and reverse hypers, and as I got stronger still, good-mornings, and yes, dead-lifts in every flavour, size and color imaginable…

I now dead-lift 185kg, as of yesterday. My back has never been stronger, and since the accident this is the first time that I am pain free… now there’s some anecdotal evidence for ya!

Send that fool over to SA and I’ll combat condition HIM!


I think Deadlifts are a great exercise! Where did I ever say that they were bad for you? You need to pay more attention to my posts if you are going to criticize them.

As far as my stance on the Bench Press, only you know the pain that you have had in your shoulders and how many times that you have run to the “ART practitioner.” Hey, if you don’t mind Bench on man!f you don’t mind Bench on man!

I heard Furey also has some sort of Magnetic Mind Power where you attach magnets to your ass and you think more clearly, or some such nonsense. I don’t care about this guys grappling accomplishments, I have zero respect for him. I think it’s appropriate that his initials are "MF."re “MF.”

The funny part is that Furey used to be a big promoter of heavy lifting, odd object lifting etc. until he decided to go with the floor execises.

Personally, I think much of his current philosophy is driven by what he can sell mail order. He moves quite a few tapes and courses.

He is a very accomplished grappler. You only need to check his history to see this. However, always look at the profit motive when you look at any businesses stance on various issues. Not that he does not believe what he says.

Bodyweight Bridges are a very useful exercise to prepare for couples, naked Twister!

I also get the e-newsletter and saw this. You should check out the one from today where he reiterates the damage done by squats, bench press, and deadlifts(I guess he could take that up with Westside Barbell) AND he points out five things to increase GH release, two of which fly directly in the face of all T-mag/Berardi followers:

  1. Don’t eat anything for TWO! hours after intense training

  2. Don’t eat anything for two hours before bed as this interferes w/ the muscle bulding effects of gh release.

WOW–all I got to say

I have plenty of respect for Matt Furey, but hopefully you ll know that being an expert on one subject doesn’t necessarily mean you’re expert on anything else. Would you listen to Julia Childs talk about wrenching on your car? Separate the wheat from the chaff; if you wanna learn about real-world combat, Matt Furey’s one of the best sources of information there is. My cousin Rufus is about as useful when it comes to strength training…just my opinion

Matt Furey knows his stuff on conditioning for grapplers but he also talks alot of shit. You have to have your bullshit detector fully on when you listen to anything the man says. He terms ‘strength’ as how many hindu squats you can do! Last time I checked the sports science dictionary that capacity was called muscular endurance.

Incidentally, speaking of shoulder injury and benching, I thought it’d never happen to me but recently, my left anterior delt has had significant pain after benching. I do strict, all the way down, touching the sternum benches with my elbows close to my side& a 14-15" grip space. Although I abhor non full-range movement (like the popular 1/2 curl) and see alot of wimps not lower the bar all the way to their chest…I’m now wondering if I need to stop 1 or 2" from my chest too (I hate the thought,but…) Or, is there a stretch or exercise I can do to prevent? Thanks in advance.

Matt Furey is a doughe bag. str8 up.

Hey ZEB it was a joke and if you had read my posts more closely then you would know that my shoulder injuries were from football and gymnastics and had nothing to do with anything in the gym. Actually my doc told me that what I did in the gym actually kept me healthy for longer.

along the same lines… check out July issue of muscle and fiction page 67 shows you how to curl in the squat rack.

Yeah Zeb, Goldberg messed up his shoulder in a freak nearly career ending balance beam accident…


Just giving you a hard time… I was a tennis pus in high school… (I also ran track, played soccer, and football, but I have to admit I played tennis).

As a side note off topic, the best footage of a sports screw-up I have ever seen is the one where the gymnast misses the springboard doing the vault…guy just wraps around the butt-end of the vault… awesome.