Material Reviews

thought I’d start a new thread, been done before I think.
But post your reviews or recommendations of good or favorite videos or books (strength/training related of course)

Here are a few of mine:
Dan John’s “From the Gound Up” good but kinda short for the money with corny humor

Svend Karlsen’s video:
liked it alot, some parts had bad lighting and sound

Kirk Karwoski’s Cadet to Captain:
lots of footage from his early teen years to his master lifts, very inspirational, no nonsense just snippets of his training lifts and competition lifts

BTW anyone have AnimalPak’s arms DVD?

I have a lot of things I like but here is some stuff I like that I don’t see mentioned here veryoften:

Kelly Baggett’s ebook on jumping
CT’s 2nd book, the ebook on strength training.
Martin Rooney’s stuff

If you’re any type of athlete, check those out.