
the year before u get married puta penny in a jar every time u have sex.
1 week after u are married, take a penny out after every time u have sex. u will never empty that goddamn jar


That is very funny. My funny bone has been tremendously tickled!

I’ve known my wife for 15yrs and have been married for almost 12.We’re both34.Things were hard in the begining, but you learn to get through it like a heavy leg day on a keto diet! You soon realize how complex a marriage is, its alot more than "puppy love and sex.

My wife lifts a few days a week nothing serious, and does cardio to help maintain weight. She doesnt train w/me or care to go through what i do on a normal training week but it works ou well…until i go to 2 a days…

I would like to see how sweet domestic life is when you tell the wife that you are going to a double split routine for a couple of months!!