MarkKO's Training Log

Another early start, one more to go (Monday) and back to normal hours. Feeling tired. Deficit catching up? Not sure. It’s hot here and we have no aircon. Woke up feeling dried out.

Today’s training

Lazy lifter plus shoulders


15 TRX fatman pull-ups between first three warmup sets

Playing with sitting my wrists on the bar

5x335 lbs, under 6 RPE
5x379 lbs, 6 RPE only because the bar starting rolling around - wrists on isn’t great unless I’m jammed between the sleeves on a standard bar
5x429 lbs, 6 RPE - gripped normally, felt a bunch better. Still working on knocking out reps fast

FSL front squat 5x8x226 lbs, 6 RPE across

Groin started feeling a tad overworked during these.

Bodyweight RFESS 50 total reps per leg: 20, 20, 10

Went with bodyweight to give my groin a break. It was appreciated.

45 degree back raises 100 total reps at 44 lbs: 35, 30, 35

These were harder than they should have been

GHR situps 50 total reps: 25, 15, 10

Canned calf raises because I wanted to GTFO.

Definitely lower on energy this last week, but got the first and second tier work done. Missed about half the third tier.

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Here’s this week’s highlight reel

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Looking lean bro.

When’s the next Dexa? Soon, right.

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Speaking of which @The_Myth I was going to put up this crappy progress photo

Next BIA is in two weeks.


I see abs bro!

You’re looking good!


Oh, snap! Abs are coming in!


Weighed in for the first time in a few days at around noon, two meals and around three litres of fluid from waking. I was at 200.4 lbs.

We’re having a heatwave right now, it topped out at 41 Celsius. Dry heat, so I do OK.

Here’s a photo in unflattering lighting BTW

That was about two hours ago, three meals and maybe four and a half litres of fluid. I got given a kittengie by my mother in law to be in Uganda, it’s comfy AF.


MarkKO, what’s your opinion on straps?

No wonder you demolished the mile run.

I’ve never tried but one thing’s for sure. Don’t use it for Kroc rows.

The kilt and kittengie wearers got it right!!!

The moment every day when I realize I still have so far to go.

Damn, I have some catching up to do!!! and great progress obv

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I tried this set up today and man did it feel good.It putted me in a great possition to pull without lower back discomfort


@darkcop straps are a tool. There are some jobs you’ll want them for and some you won’t. Like any tool, there is a learning curve to using them.

Personally, I think you’re better off using them as little as possible UNLESS they are part of what you train for (strongman, for example); using them does not compromise your grip strength and reduces your injury risk; or using them enhances your ability to achieve a specific goal.

For Kroc rows I think that applies too. Right now Kroc rows are part of my strategy to maintain grip strength while using straps to DL so I don’t use straps. If I was using Kroc rows to drive back growth I might use straps to let me knock out more reps or use more weight.


Game changer much @stronkfak? I think it’s one of those cues that is almost universally applicable. Certainly either part never seem to do anything other then improve matters. Doing both at the same time might not work for everyone but I don’t think I’ve come across anyone yet who hasn’t benefitted from either vertical shins or shoulders behind the bar.

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Yeap.I always had issues with keeping my lower back straight,but with vertical shins it’s hard not to

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Leader, cycle 2, week 3

Slept pretty well.

Today’s training

Lazy lifter plus shoulders

Bench press

30 pull aparts between first three warmup sets

5x198 lbs, under 6 RPE
5x220 lbs, 6 RPE
5x247 lbs, 10 RPE - all paused and rest in lockout between reps four and five which is usually a death sentence for the rep after the rest. Not this time.
3x8x198 lbs, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10 RPE

Log press 50 total reps at 110 lbs: 7 strict/6 leg drive, 6/5, 7/5, 6/3/5 power jerk

First set

Last set

When I get tired it feels like the log is crushing the air out of me when I press it. First time I’ve found a use for power jerking.

T-bar rows 100 total reps at 100 lbs: 20, 20, 20, 20,

These were the usual horror show, although the first two sets weren’t complete misery which I’m taking as a bonus.

Supersetted hammer curls/seated BB shrugs
Curls 50 total reps at 30 lbs: 18, 14, 11, 10
Shrugs 100 total reps at 220 lbs: 25, 30, 22, 23

Shrugs had a short ROM but felt them a ton in my middle and lower traps. Had to put a 45 lbs bumper under the bench.

Stationary bike sprints, 10 x 40 seconds off/20 seconds on


TL;DR finally went in to see our GP about my anger and lack of patience and other crap (including something I didn’t mention here, which was missing work a bunch. Luckily I have a VERY generous enterprise agreement). He figures there’s a very high chance I’m a high functioning autistic - which means precisely jack but explains why I am the way I am. He ALSO diagnosed me with depression, which I kind of had suspected for a while on and off but flip-flopped between not wanting to deal with and not wanting to be a pussy.

Anyhow, I feel relieved having done that. The doc put me on SSRIs. Side effects are a slight headache, possible nausea and delayed ejaculation. I’m having a hard time (hehe) seeing that last one as a particularly negative side effect.

Either way, I’m glad I took the step.


Welcome to the club.

SSRI’s are a popular choice. If they work, great. If they don’t, consider Buproprion (Welbutrin) - it’s an SNRI and reportedly curbs appetite and increases libido.

It’s not about being a pussy, trust me. That being said, I feel the same way.


Be patient with the meds. The side effects tend to go away but it takes a while for them to get completely into your system


Our generation is right on the cusp/transition of so many things from technology to health etc. We are hopefully the last generation that hates doctor’s, dentists and mental health professionals.


@The_Myth thank you. I’m seeing the doc in a week for a follow up, and I think by then I should hopefully have noticed something. Or not. I already feel better for having done something though. Also, yes, Asperger’s, although apparently that isn’t used any more for some reason.

@BOTSLAYER I don’t think anyone is ever going to like going to the dentist…


Nice work mark