Marathon Sex Sessions?

Only on a lifting forum would comments about difficulties with 1 hour of sex be met with comments about improper form.


No form check videos?

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I imagine, like with most form check videos, the intensity will be too light to adequately judge and the person will be looking into the camera the entire time.


Depth check?

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Almost impossible not too…

I can’t like this comment enough.

I’m trying to figure out a good way to answer this without sounding like I’m bragging, lol.

I’ve just found that different things work for different girls. My girlfriend gets off about every 2 minutes just from penetration. She’ll have 10+ separate orgasms every time we have sex. Any position works.

In general, I think there are 2 things that work for me. One is just having a big dick. The other is that I pay a lot of attention to a girl’s reactions to different things. Every girl is different. Different angles, speeds, positions, etc. The more girls I’ve been with, the better I’ve gotten at figuring things out with a new girl quickly.

I also think a lot of girls have been with mostly guys who just suck in bed, and because of this, they learn to get off the easiest by just riding and doing the things they know work for them. Any time I’ve been with a girl who thinks they can only get off in a particular way, I take it as a challenge to prove them wrong. Usually works out well.

Fun story to go along with this. I was with 1 girl a few times who basically didn’t enjoy sex before me. She was married for a few years, and told me they didn’t have sex at all. As in less than 5 times in their entire marriage. I think it was like 5 years. So I found this out before we were together, and I was thinking ‘well this will be a challenge.’ Turns out, she got off easier than anyone else on the planet. I could get her off just from kissing her. Literally. And her orgasms were so strong that she would get off and then would need like 10 minutes to come back to Earth. Anyway. She was fun.

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Such humbleness…

I do believe that a lot of women have had very poor experiences. Just not being a total asshole goes a long way. I think the benefit that the people on this site have is that we have energy for days to do basically anything. There’s plenty of guys out there that struggle to go up stairs without breaking a sweat. They can’t possibly be fit enough to last more than the average 15 minutes.

Ah to be young again… I was indestructible at 34…

No secret- it’s a case by case basis. I’ve had girls that took 20 minutes to come. My wife comes 10+ times every time we have sex and her first one takes no more than 5 minutes. Multiple orgasmer- but when she runs out, it’s time for me to shut up and nut up.


Wait, there’s more than one position?

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Important question for this topic, anyone else have a finishing battle cry? Something along the lines of “whoop-de-doo here comes the goo!” perhaps?


I DEMAND a video!

Yup! It’s “Hell YEAH!” and high-fives all around. Because it’s rare.
I take a moment to thank my vas deferens for their cooperation.

Of the deadlift I hope…

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I’ll look at your dick if it’s 12 inches, while you deadlift… I’d just have to see it.

Well, uh, I, uh, my phone’s broke so no camera right now…


That pretty much sums it up. I imagine there are some girls who can orgasm in just a couple minutes but I think they are a small minority. I was saying 20 minutes+, maybe 15 or so. For most girls, how fast on average can you make it happen? If they could all cum fast then nobody would be complaining about guys who do the same.

there are actually 2 positions. little known fact.

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How old are you? Based on your original post I would have guess you were around 20.

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pat has been on TNation for more than 20 years, lol