Maple Syrup Strength (littlesleeper)

Ahh man just got hungry, looking good. That’s the stuff that makes a man big and strong.

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That pizza looks amazeballs

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Yum! I’ll take all that!
Now I’m craving noodles!

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@losthog @mortdk @simo74 @jamie1888 Thanks guys! They were all quite edible, if I do say so myself.


135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 6 ← REP PR (Est 1rm = 377lbs)
315 x 2
315 x 2
315 x 2
315 x 2

225 x 10, 10, 10, 10

315 x 3
365 x 2
405 x 2
455 x 1
495 x 1
495 x 1
495 x 1
495 x 1
495 x 1
Lift RPE = Low, Hook Grip RPE = High

I almost called it quits after the rows, but I skipped DLs on the weekend due to my hand injury so I was feeling my hook grip gains slipping away. Hook grip was by far the toughest part of the lift at this weight (~75% if 1RM).


So rep max with injured hand? You’re superman!!!


Nice work man pushing through the pain. Well done!

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Good job man!

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@littlelee @losthog - Thanks guys! It actually felt pretty good today on the bench. I used wrist wraps from 225lbs and on. The back of my hand is more painful than the front so lifting has felt alright for the most part. I’ll take a rep max anywhere I can get it!
@duketheslaya - Thanks Duke!

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Great PR you throw in there Sleepy.
My hand is crushed, but I don’t care, I’m here for PR’s.
Might be Hook grip was tough, but you could do it. So everything is coming together nicely.

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Nice work man

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Thanks @mortdk and @painter27. I appreciate the comments!

135 x 3 Paused
225 x 3 Paused
275 x 3 Paused
315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 3
435 x 3
435 x 3
435 x 3 ← Tried a slightly more narrow stance here and it felt really good.
435 x 3 ← Same narrow stance. I like it.

Mother-in-law is staying at our place this weekend and she just arrived so that’s all I got done today. Out for dinner tonight! Have a good weekend errybody.


If that isn’t enough to make you train more and hit some PR’s then nothing is :wink:


Haha ya really! Nah, I’m blessed with good in-laws!

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
245 x 3
285 x 9 ← Rep PR
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5

BB Row
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10

315 x 2c
405 x 2c
455 x 2c
495 x 1c
525 x 1s
525 x 1s
525 x 1s
525 x 1s
525 x 1s
495 x 5c ← This was a little tougher than I hoped. I’ve hit 495lbs for 8 reps before…

Overall a decent workout. I’m heading out of town this afternoon for work and not back until Friday night. So it looks like hotel breakfast, catered lunch and dinner out for the next 5 days is likely. I did locate a gym close to my hotel so I’ll try not to miss a workout this week.

I’m hoping the hotel room has a little mini-kitchen so I can at least fry up some ground beef and boil up some rice! I can at least try and avoid crappy, deep-fried restaurant food since I won’t even be trying to avoid drinking with my colleagues.


Probably not after a 5x1@525


You are wise beyond your years. This is true.

Some highlights from the week of lifting.


Strong Sleepy strong.
It looks so easy, maybe not the last rep on deadlift, but you still put it down very gently.
Those squats man, solid as a rock.

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10min Yoga This A.M.
The plan is to do some yoga and/or swimming each morning while away from home this week.

Went to an LA Fitness today after getting dicked around at a Goodlife Fitness. Guy ended up giving me a free 7 day pass if I gave a 5 star review on Google. He was very friendly and gym was quite nice, so I was happy to leave the review. His manager has been pushing to get better reviews on Google because people are quick to go on and leave a bad review but rarely do people think to go on and leave a good one. Makes sense.

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 3
435 x 2
465 x 4 RPE 8.5
315 x 10
225 x 10
135 x 10 2 Second Pause

Left to go back and share pints with colleagues and watch hockey. I’ll probably go to this gym every day to get some sort of activity in. Meals are decent though. Hot buffet breakfast (sausage, bacon, eggs, fruit, yogurt, granola), catered lunch (deli meats, vegetables, salads, rice, fruit) and dinner at the hotel (chicken wrap, salad, 6 tall boys).


Ouch, sold out pretty quick on that one :joy: why are you joining a gym?

You bastard

I am in low key competition with you haha. Even though I know I won’t catch you, every time I see you PR it fires me up. Chase those you’ll never catch to make sure you never stop running :running_man: