Making Messy Plans & Neat Progress

So today I got an 8-12 week internship that will turn into a job at a local gym. They mostly train high school and junior high athletes in group settings. I’m beyond psyched up for it! The gym owner is very into Gray cook and Mike Boyle so just the two days Ive been there so far I’ve already learned some very interesting very new things. Plus as part of my internship I’m gonna get FMS certified so the learning will just continue from there.

Anyway that was just a little of me patting myself on the back.

My workout for the day consisted of 2 hours of basketball. Got as close to putting down a two hand dunk as I’ve ever been which was really awesome. I cant wait to see where I’m at by the end of the year.

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This was probably a dumb decision but I couldn’t sleep at all so I decided to just run myself into the ground and defeat insomnia with physicality.

Date: 3/12 Midnight Leg Workout

Ab Wheel 2 sets
From knees x 10 10

Front Squat 3 sets 50 reps
95x20 15 15
High rep squats not a good tired decision

Rdl 3 sets 50 reps
95x20 15 15

Glute Bridge 3 sets 50 reps
95x20 15 15

Single Leg Calf Raise 3 sets to failure
Bw x15 14 13

Ab Wheel 2 sets
From knees x10 10

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not a fun decision anyday :lol:

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Tuesday Heavy Upper

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Hang Power Snatch 3x2-3
45x5 65x5
95x3 3 3

Bench 3x4-5
185x5 4 3

1 DB Rows 3x8-10
70x10 10 10

DB Bench 3x5-8
70x5 5 5

Preacher Curls 3x5-8
60x7 6 5

DB Overhead Extensions 2x8-12
45x12 10

DB Rear Lateral Raises 2x10-15

DB Lateral Raises 2x10-15
10x 15 15

Today was my first day shadowing the head trainer and man did I get a crash course in linear power today. Everything from sprint and jump technique, to med ball throws and prowler pushing. It’s gonna take me a few weeks to really take all this stuff in.

Anyway after spending 5 hours in a gym I had to sneak just a little work in before I left plus my abs and triceps were sore all day so I did

Quick workout
Date: 3/14

Kettlebell Swings 3 sets
50x50 50 50
Pushups 3 sets
Bw x15 15 15

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Another day of interning another profound experience in just what I don’t know lol. At least the head trainer says I’m picking things up quickly.

Also another short day of training as running around at the gym has been leaving me quite mentally tired still. Hopefully I adapt pretty soon

Heavy Lower
Date: 3/16

Hang Power Snatch 3x2-3
45x5 65x5
95x3 3 3

Lying Leg Curl 3x6-10
90x10 10 10

Back Squat ramp to 1-5RM
45x10 135x5
Did these with very little rest. Like add a plate and go and holy shit that intensity increase was rough. Made it very easy to leave and feel like I got a good workout in though.

Upper Shoulders Arms
Date: 3/18

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Btn Press 2 sets
45x10 95x5
Btn Push Press 3x3-5 Slow Eccentric
125x5 5 5
Seated DB Press 3x6-10
40x10 8 7
DB Shrugs 3x8-12
70x10 12 9
My grip slipped the first set of shrugs when I hit my leg with the dumbbell which really pissed me off but whatever. Just wanted to note how easily angered I am I guess.

Machine Preacher Curls 3x6-10 2 up/1 down
55x10 10 8
Incline DB Curls 3x8-12
15x12 12 12
The better I get at controlling the eccentric with one arm the more I feel like I need to go lower in weight. Which feels like I’m probably doing it right but damn does it hurt.
Also this was the first day I felt like I actually figured out how to do the incline curl pretty happy with the biceps pump

DB Overhead Extension 3x6-10 Slow eccentric
45x10 10 10
DB Hammer Skullcrusher 3x6-10
15x10 9 6
Still can’t get over how weak my triceps are. Makes me realize how much work I have to do in the noodle arms department.

I feel I should put down why I’ve been focusing so much on eccentrics just as a reminder to myself. So due to some bench press advice I recently got where a very big bencher (4 plates at 220) said I need two things to increase my bench further: to increase muscle mass (obvious one), and two work on my control of the lowering of the weight. He suggested I run like 8 weeks of training more focused on slow eccentric stuff and see what happens. Worst case scenario it should add some muscle since I’ve never really focused on this kind of training. So I’m gonna do some heavy negatives on my bench day to further focus on the eccentric portion there. And on my extra upper body day hit at least one eccentric focused lift for each body part. I’m hoping this gives me a good little bump as I’m gonna lose most of my training partners after this semester of school so I want to get the most out of them as I can till then.

And if this works I feel like I might have to try a squat variation of this because I feel like my squat I have control issues lowering the weight there more than in my bench. Maybe run a pause squat cycle or something.

I was learning about lateral power and landing mechanics yesterday. Coach was having me practice single leg lateral hops and someone said my name as I was preparing to jump and I turned half my body while jumping and landed terribly. My right knee has been swollen since then. So I had to skip my lower body volume day yesterday and even today still felt a little off but I wasn’t gonna miss another day so upper body time it is.

Tuesday Heavy Upper
Date: 3/20

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Bench 3x3-5
45x10 135x5
185x5 3 2
Was gonna do my negatives after this but felt kinda meh today and just decided to live and fight another day.

Machine Pulldown 5 sets Pyramid
These really lit up my lats. I need far more machine killing in my life for awhile I think.

DB Bench 3x6-10
65x10 10 8

Machine Seated Row 3x6-10
110x10 10 10

DB Lateral Raises 2x10-15
15x15 15
Preacher Curls 2x10-15
50x12 10
DB Overhead Extensions 2x10-15
40x15 15

Was not feeling it today so really happy with this work.

Hit my lower body volume on just whatever didn’t hurt to make up for skipping legs yesterday.

Leg Press 350 method
3 plates each side x32 20 15

Lying Leg Curl 350 method
90x20 15 11

Seated Calf Raises 350 method
45x17 15 12

Thursday Heavy Lower
Date: 3/22

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Hang Power Snatch 3x2-3
45x5 65x5
95x3 3 3

Kneeling Leg Curl 3x6-10
90x10 10 6

Back Squat ramp to 1-5RM
45x10 135x5
I really feel like my squat is stalling. Everything after 225 felt incredibly slow. I’m gonna give this current setup of the heavy squat one day and the volume day about 8 more weeks then I feel like I’m gonna have to majorly switch something up.

DB Rdl 3x6-10
70x10 10 10

Hanging Knee Raise 3x10-15
Bw x10 10 10

Seated Calf Raise 3x10-15
45x 15 15 15

Friday Shoulders
Date: 3/23

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Btn Press 2 sets
45x10 95x5
Btn Push Press 3x3-5 Slow Eccentric
115x5 5 5
I went with a bit lower weight on the push press and the eccentrics were ridiculous. I think that weight is gonna be the one I stay with for awhile.

Seated DB Press 3x6-10
40x10 10 7

DB Shrugs 3x8-12
70x12 12

Lateral Raise Drop set

Had to head in to work so I split this up into shoulders first and I’m gonna hit the arms segment afterwards.

Volume Lower
Date: 3/24

Goblet Squats 3x6-10
40x10 50x10 60x10

Lying Leg Curls 3x6-10
90x10 100x10 110x10

Sumo Deadlift ramp to 1RM
135x10 225x5 315x1 365x1 405x1

I actually wasn’t really feeling up to working out today then saw a friend who was maxing his deadlift so I joined in. Hit a real ugly 4 plate deadlift which reminded me I really haven’t been working on my deadlifts at all and I don’t miss them. The 315 was double overhand so that’s a grip PR at least though

Nebula Hack Squat 5 sets
1 plate x17
2 plates x15
3 plates x11
2 plates x17
1 plates x20
I got a crazy quad pump with this which was nice as I head to head off to coach basketball

Tuesday Heavy Upper
Date: 3/27

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Hang Power Snatch 3x2-3
45x5 65x5
95x3 3 3

Bench 3x1-3 Negatives
135x10 185x5
205x1 3 3
Holy shit these negatives were intense. I’m hoping something damn good comes out of this kind of work

Machine Pulldown 5 sets Pyramid
110x14 130x9 150x4 130x8 110x9

DB Bench 3x6-10
65x10 6 5
The negatives killed my pressing ability. Gonna go lower in weight next time for this.

Machine Seated Row 3x6-10
110x10 10 10

DB Lateral Raises 2x10-15
15x15 14
Preacher Curls 2x10-15
50x12 11
DB Overhead Extensions 2x10-15
40x15 15

Quick Cardio Day
Date: 3/28

5 rounds of

Safety Squat Bar

6 reps

15 reps

30 sec

With 1 min rest between rounds

Just wanted to jack my heart rate up. This worked pretty well. I hadn’t been that sweaty
without trying to pin a grown man down in quite some time.

Also safety squat bars kick major ass. That was the first time I have used one and would love to give it more of a run in the future.

Thursday Heavy Lower
Date: 3/29

Lying Leg Curl 3x6-10
70x10 85x10 100x10

Back Squat ramp to 1-5RM
45x10 135x5
So Squatting form is feeling better this week which is good as I wasn’t happy at all last week with how they felt. Got some video I will post up later

Calf Raise 3x10-15
135x15 15 15

Rdl 3x6-10
95x10 12 10

Hanging Knee Raise 3x10-15
Bw x12 10 10

Played Racketball and Basketball with my gf afterwards for about 2 hours.

I got hit with Strep a couple days ago so I’ve basically just been really lethargic and not feeling like training at all. But I had a lot of food coming today for Easter so decided to just do something today. Banged this out in like 20 minutes

Random Training
Glute Bridge 3x10-20

Pushups 3 sets
Bw x20 18 16

DB Curls 3 sets
20x15 13 8

DB Skullcrushers 3 sets
20x12 8 6

Tuesday Heavy Upper
Date: 4/3

Bench 3x1-3
45x10 135x5 155x5
195x2 (PR) 1 1
Also got a third forced rep in on the first set with 195. I’m so happy to get my bench coming together. This was a comfortable new 2RM on a bench that felt a little different than my normal one. Working my triceps more I think has made the most difference.

Seated Cable Row 5 sets Pyramid
Should have started heavier I think but it ended up working out well. Had like rhomboid cramps after the last set lol

DB Bench 3x6-10
50x10 10 10

Lat Pulldown 3x6-10
100x10 10 10

DB Lateral Raises 2x10-15
15x15 15
Machine Preacher Curls 2x10-15
55x15 70x11
Seated DB Overhead Extensions 2x10-15
40x15 45x15

Thursday Heavy Lower

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Hang Power Snatch 3x2-3
45x5 65x5
95x5 3 3

Kneeling Leg Curl 3x6-10
90x10 10 10

Back Squat ramp to 1-5RM
45x10 135x5

DB Rdl 3x6-10
70x10 10
Somehow skipped past this third set. Don’t at all know what happened.

Hanging Knee Raise 3x10-15
Bw x 10 10 10

Seated Calf Raise 3x10-15
45x15 15 15

Volume Upper Shoulders Arms
Date: 4/6

Y W T Holds each position 10 sec

Btn Press 4 sets
45x10 65x5 95x5 115x1
Btn Push Press 3x3-5 Slow Eccentric
115x5 5 5
Seated DB Press 3x6-10
40x10 9 9
DB Shrugs 3x8-12
75x12 12 12

Preacher Curls 3x3-5 Slow Eccentric
50x5 60x3 50x5
Seated DB Overhead Extension 3x6-10
50x10 10 8

Incline DB Curls 3x8-12
15x12 12 12
Need to go to the 20s next week for these
DB Hammer Skullcrusher 3x6-10
15x10 9 9

Trap Bar Deadlifts
405x1 (PR)
Did this on a whim since I knew I wasn’t gonna be hitting another leg session for awhile and wouldn’t you know it a new 1RM PR

Pushed a sled called the tank around with 290 lbs plus my gf on it whose weight shall stay anonymous lol. Probably totaled around 100 yards over 4 pushes. Thrashed my quads glutes and calves pretty good actually

My trap bar PR and a squat video from last week