Magnificent Mobility: Side-to-Side Leg Swings

I’ve just started working through Cressey’s Magnificent Mobility to try to address some low back issues (predominantly on the right side) and what is possibly Femoral Anterior Glide Syndrome. I have no issues with the anterior/posterior leg swings and feel like I’m really activating the glutes as I swing back, but when I try the side-to-side leg swings with my left leg I can’t seem to avoid a very distinct popping sound and sensation in my left hip both on the up and down swing (even if I go slowly). No such issue on the right side. If anyone has any idea of what’s going on with my hip here and how to address it, I’d be much obliged.

I used to do side-to-side leg swings and cut them eventually. My left hip would pop all the time as well. Try these out:

It dynamically stretches the adductors while both in hip flexion and extension. One of my favorite drills during the warm-up because my left leg is always a bit tighter than the right.

Thanks for an awesome response! I’ll try them out.

Why does the hip pop? Is it because the adductors are so tight that they don’t permit any motion short of pulling the hip out of the socket?

[quote]dekd wrote:
Thanks for an awesome response! I’ll try them out.

Why does the hip pop? Is it because the adductors are so tight that they don’t permit any motion short of pulling the hip out of the socket?[/quote]
Not sure… don’t think it has to do with the adductors. My hips tend to pop (lower back and femur area) if I don’t stabilize my core doing a certain movement…

Two things I’ve noticed helping that, though:

  1. Near daily hip abductor strengthening stuff, namely a) hip abductor wall slides, and b) x-band walks.

  2. Near daily soft tissue work on the the glute med and TFL with a lacrosse ball. These two areas are a big mess for me.

x band walks. try and wake up the glute stabilizers that help pull the femur back into the socket instead of letting it jam. step ups onto a high step can work good, too. very high step. higher. pistols.

[quote]alexus wrote:
x band walks. try and wake up the glute stabilizers that help pull the femur back into the socket instead of letting it jam. step ups onto a high step can work good, too. very high step. higher. pistols.[/quote]
you’ve found out that x-band walks are awesome as well, I guess. :slight_smile: I like to get them really burning as well… like 2 x 25 big steps (one set = one direction) with a mini-band. works great.