MAG-10 or Anaconda?

What is suggested; MAG-10 or Anaconda when trying to pack on muscle mass and increase strength as much and as quickly as possible

Anaconda for weight training sessions.

MAG-10 for pulsing between meals and after your workouts.

I would go with both. If you’re already on a peri workout solution and can’t afford Anaconda AND MAG-10 then adding in MAG-10 will help add muscle.

Ideally both. Ideally Anaconda for weight training sessions, and Ideally 1-2 pulses after your session and then another one between meals when applicable.

One thing I don’t quite understand about MAG-10 dosing best practice is if taking on an empty stomach, wouldn’t your body preferentially want to oxidize those nutrients for energy?

[quote]giograves wrote:
One thing I don’t quite understand about MAG-10 dosing best practice is if taking on an empty stomach, wouldn’t your body preferentially want to oxidize those nutrients for energy?[/quote]

Well, the stomach is never truly empty outside of when you first wake up. The way the label directs is typically at times when the stomach is somewhat empty but the main thing you want to achieve with pulsing using MAG-10 is to create peaks and valley’s of amino acids.

In typical practices we are jamming food, most notably godly amounts of protein every 3 hours at each meal, leading to a constant peak of aminos. This according to what CT and Lonnie Lowery say will eventually make you a oxidator of protein, meaning you won’t be utilizing protein in the proper way.

MAG-10 creates the peak and will drop in a relatively short time unlike a typical food protein or whey or even hydrolized whey will. So, its a small amount of protein but it has a huge impact on the body without turning you into a oxidator.

At least that’s what i’ve gathered from the articles and spills, i’m missing some proper information in there i’m sure but it gives you a better idea of why the label states what it does and the main purpose of the MAG-10 pulses and its impact on the body.