Macros, Calories and BF

Hi coach, if you want to be really big:

-how much weight gain should you aim per week (1lb/week is reasonable?)? Or you should aim to eat as much as possible?

-How often should you up your calore intake? When the weight gain is lower than expected?

-Do you really need to count your macros? I find it much easier to just count proteins (about 0,8-1,2g per pound of bw) and calories, cause due to my tastes it allows me to have a much wider variety of foods in my diet (some days will be higher in fats and some days will be higher in carbs, but protein will stay anyway in the above range)

Regards :slight_smile:

1lb per week is somewhat aggressive but doable. 250-500 grams is usually what youā€™ll see recommended in plenty of articles. Another way to think about that is achieving a weekly caloric surplus of 5-10%, ideally with more calories on training days than off-days. A decent starting point, Iā€™ve found, is:

  • Training day: bw (in kgs) x 35
  • Off day: bw (in kgs) x 25

If you prefer pounds, try

  • Training day: bw (in kgs) x 16
  • Off day: bw (in kgs) x 12

If you fail to gain weight for two consecutive weeks, increase your caloric intake on both type of days by 250-500 calories or as many calories as your body weight in lbs, so in the second example thatā€™d be increasing the multiplicative factor by 1,

  • Training day: bw (in kgs) x 17
  • Off day: bw (in kgs) x 13

To gain weight? Depends just how crazy you get with avoiding fat on your high-carb days. Try and get at least 40-50g of fat.

If you want to get as fat as possible, yes.

It never happens that carbs or fats are too low on any day. I donā€™t even think about it, it just happens to be this way

This is probably fine for any of us not crazy restricted (like bodybuilding lean).

Iā€™ll agree with @Voxel on being careful how aggressive you get - at some point, youā€™re just getting fatter. Apparently some of you monsters canā€™t gain weight no matter how hard you try, though (@flappinit), so maybe this doesnā€™t apply to you.

2 lbs. per month seems like a safe place.

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I can gain weight just fine, I just hate eating the amount of food it takes for me to do so, whereas some people love it and some people can just eat that amount without even thinking about it. But the amount of muscle I can gain, Iā€™d imagine, is right along with most other people - if I gain a lot of weight in a short span of time, a lot of it is fat.

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Word. But we all have to do it at least once!

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Hell yeah dude.

Also, how much of it becomes fat is affected by how hard you train. Thatā€™s why, where I used to assume everyone ate like shit, Iā€™m actually of the opinion these days that plenty of people are eating ā€˜okay-enoughā€™ but training with such little intensity that none of the food is put to good use.


Thatā€™s an interesting thought. I think Iā€™m coming around to that, to some extent anyway, myself. I sometimes get scared to eat when Iā€™m wanting to lose weight, but then my intensity definitely goes down. I think I under-condition more than overeat most of the time. I probably also give myself an out on lifting by ā€œacceptingā€ strength loss long before Iā€™m lean enough to earn it. I still think a lot of us eat like crap, but maybe the scale is less balanced that way than Iā€™d previously decided.

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PC did write a decent nugget about getting to be lean at a certain bodyweight wherein you get to 30-40 pounds beyond where you want to be lean and stay there for 6 months before dieting down to your goal weight while continuing to set PRs.

Compounds will be harder to gauge as leverages change but on machines you shouldnā€™t be getting weaker.

This is kinda what Greg duecette advocates. He said get a comfortable bf % thatā€™s easy for you to maintain and slowly gain from there. Not really a poundage but just whatever is comfortable and easy to maintain. Some ppl itā€™ll be 10% and some maybe 15% . Iā€™ve been doing this and life has been better Iā€™m much healthier and not near as fat as I was.