Lower Back/SI Joint Rehab

Hi friends,

This thread is dedicated for those that want to make there lower back healthy. Many of us have difficulties performing a simple exercise such as a back extension without the risk of hurting the lower back. This thread is not intended for those that want to squat2x bodyweight again, but more for those that just want to be pain free and be hobble-free.

Ill start:

-bird dogs.



For S-I joint … Clam Shells

Would love to follow this thread

For SI the stuff on this link: The Low Back - The DonTigny Method The manual correction will work if you use a band set anchored up high too, just be sure to get the angle right.

These vids helped me too. For us weightlifters, you’ll need to use a bit more than pressure from your hands. Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief

I do this after first warming up the area with general light exercises. When my SI clicks out of place and I’m having a lot of trouble popping it back into place I’ll cross friction by placing a broom into a corner and lean the tight ropy parts of my hip close to the SI into the round part of the broom and hold it gently moving it into there for a minute or so. I do this only if lax ball work and stretching and tractioning doesn’t fix the problem because it does cause a good bit of inflamation and soreness and tenderness. The premise is that you’re basically opening up tight tissue and reinflaming the area but having it inflamed where the SI should be so your body can build back the correct way. Followed by lying clams and very strict one leg db romanian deadlifts and bird dogs with a very slow tempo to make sure it’s in the right place after loosening things up. Do not take anti-inflammatories. You actually want it to keep your SI there while it heals.

Google ‘band man dave tate’ and you’ll see a couple of things for band tractioning for the lower back.

The different piriformis stretches, but not for the symptomatic side. The opposite one. At least for me I found that the opposite side was actually the one with tight muscles around the hip. I found this out by lying on my back with knee up, feet flat on the ground, butt on the ground. Then put my ankle on the opposite knee and relax and have an observer see which knee goes down farther. Granted, on my symptomatic side my psoas and hip flexors are tight and I’ve found lax ball work and heat to be most effective for that.

I am not a fan of anti-inflammatories/pain-killers. I save it for only when I absolutely need to in order to get work done.

Doing this stuff has allowed me a 2.5xbw deadlift and a 2x squat relatively pain free. Hopefully, I’ll still be singing this tune when I’m older.

Anyone had any luck with an SI belt?

Thanks for that Fletch!!

I will be studying and implementing your advice and Ill let you know how it goes.


Def following this. Anyone know how long recovery from an si joint injury takes and if full recovery for heavy deads/squats is possible?

Definitely depends on the severity. Most S-I injuries that I see in my office respond very readily to care and are much better in a very few weeks. However, severe S-I injuries are some of my most troublesome cases. One guy was rear-ended badly and is now medically retired. Another hurt hers jumping (falling) from a rope swing and still functions, but is in some pain almost all the time. Don’t freak out, as those are the only two I can think of in twenty years of practice.

Thanks dr j. I’m not sure if I have this, I’m kinda researching and figuring stuff out. I was diagnosed with a lower back strain 4 months ago and it’s still not better, went to PT and chiro and nobody has helped. So I’m kinda on my own now. Glad to see someone knowledgable in he subject on here.

After my injury, it took 4-5 months to get my squat to pre-injury levels and over 9 months to get my deadlift where it was. I’ve never been totally a-symptomatic for more than a month at one time and that was December 2009. However, it has been manageable. I’ve been able to take on a stocking job and my lifts have been steadily increasing after making some adjustments in my lifting mechanics.

i hurt my QL a while back (years back) and am still in daily pain. My QL spasms once or twice a week and when it does I just drop to the ground almost uncontrollably. I can barely walk in the morning as well do to stability and pain issues. Its kind of hard to explain, but its like my muscles have no idea what they are suppose to be doing. I have found a couple things that seem to help though and am interested in suggestions:

curcumin ← makes the pain go down to a level where I can walk. I take 8 - 10 gms a day. IBprofen does not even begin to touch the pain.

my right glute appears to be over active and somewhat disfunctional now. Perhaps its compensating. I roll out the knots in my glute every morning and every night. This helps a lot with the pain I have in my upper IT band area near the hip/joint area.

I do clam shells and clam shell variants daily. I also do Poliquin step ups as well. To be honest though, I cant really tell if they are helping, but I figure that they cant hurt.

I do 100 to 200 deep bodyweight lunges everyone morning depending on how much time I have. I am a former gymnasts and my quads/hip flexers are more flexible than most of the population. None-the-less, this excercise just seems to get my muscles functioning properly and in a good range for me. When I am done doing my lunges, I can generally walk without the stability issues and it also appears to help with the pain as well.

Any other suggestions or criticisms with my current routine would be greatly apprecaited. I honestly dont believe I will ever get my weight under control until I get this worked out.

I’m recovering from a pretty bad SI joint injury to the point at which my pelvis became unstable. I haven’t been able to squat yet - but my DL’s have been at their best.

I was 205 - lost quite a bit of weight due a chronic injury of the SIJ, incompetent physio’s and a case of leaky gut. Ended up at 155 - still trying to bulk up with a very careful diet. I’ve got hope that with persistence and hard work hopefully i can come back to my former self.

I’ve quit squatting altogether but my deadlifts are at their best. Whats helped me the most are single leg RDL’s, kettlebell through-legs and mobility.

The kettlebell through legs were hitting the right spots, SI ligaments which run at angles - and any exercise i’d do in the vertical plane didn’t really make my SIJ any more stable. The kettlebell through legs are a money exercise and surprisingly very hard. I deem them to be the most effective thus far to rehab my SI Joint

[quote]strider7086 wrote:
I’m recovering from a pretty bad SI joint injury to the point at which my pelvis became unstable. I haven’t been able to squat yet - but my DL’s have been at their best.

I was 205 - lost quite a bit of weight due a chronic injury of the SIJ, incompetent physio’s and a case of leaky gut. Ended up at 155 - still trying to bulk up with a very careful diet. I’ve got hope that with persistence and hard work hopefully i can come back to my former self.

I’ve quit squatting altogether but my deadlifts are at their best. Whats helped me the most are single leg RDL’s, kettlebell through-legs and mobility.

The kettlebell through legs were hitting the right spots, SI ligaments which run at angles - and any exercise i’d do in the vertical plane didn’t really make my SIJ any more stable. The kettlebell through legs are a money exercise and surprisingly very hard. I deem them to be the most effective thus far to rehab my SI Joint[/quote]

Cool info, thanks for the input.

The clamshell is a great exercise. How about a clamshell plus? In the clamshell just move the top knee forward a few inches. You won’t get as much external rotation but will get more of the posterior fibers of the glut med.

As for SI issues don’t forget to analyze the foot. If the foot hits the ground wrong then that signal will tell everyone else to do the wrong thing.

Hey guys,

Just joined and if you can give me any advice on my lower back injury. I herniated my disc around 6 months ago as L5-S1 and it still gives me some pain SOMETIMES… that being said, I have not much confidence when deadlifting especially heavy for also scared to go very low when I do squats for fear of it relapsing potentially when my pelvis tucks at the bottom (purely on a front squat), also my flexibility on a back squat won’t allow me the depth.

Any advice you can give me?

Thanks guys