Lower Back Pain and Valsalva

I’m wondering if anyone has ran into this same situation.

I started squatting again after a 3 month break. This was a week ago. The soreness was insane, but thats besides the point (or maybe not).

Now, I have sharp lower back pains a week later whenever I “bear down” or breath in and brace my core.

Any ideas?

May want to clear this with your doc/surgeon/physio/chiro or some medical professional but high intra abdominal pressure ala bracing your torso on heavy lifts can aggravate symptoms associated with existing disk related injury. Any such injury history?

Perhaps mad DOMS, a muscle strain or muscle spasm is being irritated by bracing?

Im hoping was just part of the DOMS.

I have hurt my lower back before from deadlifting with a loose back. A nice pop while coming up, followed by tightening and pain that took a couple weeks to go away.

Anyway, thanks for the input.

Positive Valsalva points to a space occupying lesion, typically a bulging disc.