Lower Back Flexibility Leads to Injury?

[quote]1 Man Island wrote:
Good point, BHOLL,

I was thinking I would basically do the routine in this video:

minus the rollovers for now.
The point I specifically felt it in the rollover was at the top where I had the most flexion… so perhaps it could be a disc… I don’t suppose there’s any way to tell w/ out a doc, is there? (no insurance yet)

Sento, I do that routine approximately 6 days/week. Though 2 of those days, my off days, I do a reduced version. My routine is a push/pull split, mostly around 10-15 reps per set.

FWIW, the following was prescribed by the PT at the beginning of the year:
-hamstring stretch w/ yoga strap
-quad stretch w/ yoga strap
-IT band stretch w/ yoga strap (my bands were REALLY tight before doing this, but I’ve stopped doing it for the past few months)
-foam roll quads and IT bands
All stretches are supposed to be done for 2 min. total, but it didn’t really matter how I split it up throughout the day. This was some time ago, though, so I’m certainly up for changing this.

So, Sento, to summarize what you’re saying, do dynamic work pre-workout similar to that posted in the video above and static work post workout. The post work-out routine would, for example, only having me stretch hamstrings on pull days, hips and glutes every day, and quads on push days. The sequence should be the opposite of lifting, and I should do the isolation stretches prior to the main stretch. I wouldn’t say I have any chronic tightness anywhere except the lumbar (hence, the post); and even then, I’d say it’s acute at this point.

Sound right?[/quote]

It doesn’t matter per say what it is, (although if your young/middle age and flexion bothers you it is most likely either a disc or muscle strain although I doubt you’d strain a muscle with a rollover, not saying it isn’t out of the question tho). The point being high amounts of flexion essentially injured you, therefore you should avoid this for the moment and focus on extension exercises (if they are painfree).

and you might wanna throw in your hip flexors as well, noticed they weren’t in there