Low T After Cycle at 17. Opinions on Short Term Clomid-Only Treatment?

Long story short I believe I have low T I did a cycle at 17 used Arimidex for itchy nipples and PCT’d with Nolvadex, the cycle consisted of 12 weeks 500mg test E weekly with 50mg Anadrol EOD for the first 6 weeks. Anyways I found some Clomid I had tucked away along with Nolvadex and wanted advice regarding to low T due to my steroid cycle at a younger age. I am 23 now last time I got blood work was a few years ago and it was around 270 to 350 ng/dL, and I think around 10/ng/dL Free test. What are others people’s opinions on Clomid’s short term to get test levels back to “normal” because I personally believe my levels to be below? Currently waiting for fresh blood results. Anyone do research regarding this subject?

At your age a restart attempt could help. I dont ever say Clomid works to older men, but since you’re 23, it will only hurt if you take high doses. If your pituitary grows too much it will put pressure on your optic nerve, and the damage could be permanent. So dont take more than 25mg in a single dose.

The older men that start steroids cycles at mid-life tend to recover much easier than young men who cycled at a younger age at a time when the HPTA wasn’t fully mature.

You are mostly likely stuck with low-T and now need TRT for life.

What would a therapy schedule look like for Clomid use? I have 50 tabs of 50mg on hand currently was thinking either heavy dose with rest like 10 days 100mg when nothing till the next month, or a dose of 25mg daily 25 days on 25 off than 25 on again. I only have enough Clomid currently for something not long term, if I needed long term then I would have to obtain more.

I can completely agree with you, if I did irreversible damage to my hormone and endocrine system then I’m toast. At my levels of T I am not dying by any means just some fat accumulation and lack of confidence / drive. My sex libido also comes and go’s.

Clomid is a terrible therapy for the treatment of low-T, it deprives your brain of estrogen and replaces it with synthetic estrogen which binds to the receptors in your brain.

Therefore clomid isn’t recommended long term.

Not my question, If I have a test level of 300 ng/dL and I wanted to get to a normal level of 600 - 800 could short term Clomid use work to reset my natural process of secreting testosterone.

Yes clomid will increase your LH and therefore testosterone production.

When you cease clomid you are expected to return to where you are now unless of course you correct the underlining condition that led to low-T.

Probably not long term. Once you stop the Clomid, you’ll go back to how you were before.

This “restart” idea is from guys doing AAS then running a PCT to “restart” their natural production, but it’ll only get them back to the point they started at before AAS.

Thanks for all the responses guys, get lab results back in 3 days and if I truly have low T still then I will look into TRT long term. Not a massive deal :stuck_out_tongue:

Long story short I believe I have low T I did a cycle at 17 used Arimidex for itchy nipples and PCT’d with Nolvadex, the cycle consisted of 12 weeks 500mg test E weekly with 50mg Anadrol EOD for the first 6 weeks. Anyways I found some Clomid I had tucked away along with Nolvadex and wanted advice regarding to low T due to my steroid cycle at a younger age. I am 23 now last time I got blood work was a few years ago and it was around 270 to 350 ng/dL, and I think around 10/ng/dL Free test. What are others people’s opinions on Clomid’s short term to get test levels back to “normal” because I personally believe my levels to be below? Currently waiting for fresh blood results.

Clomid monotherapy is a thing, but it’s usually a longer process and I cannot speak to the long term efficacy of it. Usually when someone has persistently low t the course of treatment is testosterone because it’s safer for long term use than clomid. You’re ~6 years post cycle, if your natural system was going to come back it would have by now. Use the Clomid if you want to, but six months after you’re finished you’re at least somewhat likely to be right back to your low baseline. In other words, don’t get your hopes up but if you want to try it then it probably won’t hurt.

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