Losthog—2018 First year

Ur a fat cunt so those pull ups are actually pretty impressive.


2/14/2018: I am not an immortal squat session

Well fuck. I felt the rubber bands pop in the right hamstring on the set of 255. I was able to finish the rep. But I hope this doesn’t set me back too much. Any suggestions on recovery/rehab work is appreciated @Frank_C, @guineapig, @MarkKO, @I_Luc, @TriednTrue @The_Myth @T3hPwnisher r others.

+235x10 rep pr everything going well
?255x5 rep pr (fuck me) (RPE 8)
205x1 decided to live to squat another day

RDL: backed off on the weight not to push it
45x10, 95x8, 115x8, 125x8
These weren’t bad but didn’t feel good especially off the floor

Lying leg curls: backed off weight
45x20,20,20. No issues at all

Good mornig: 45x10, 95x15,15
Very tight hamstring on this. Didn’t do the last set

Hang knee raise:

Well I’ll ice it tonight. Hope it isn’t too bad but we will see. Right now it is tight will stretch it and ice it. Hope to test it a little tomorrow with light squats. The video of it is below…

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Stop stretching it! If it’s strained then stretching just causes more tearing. Just let it be for a bit. The early parts of healing require nothing other than to stay out of the body’s way.

The body sends all hands on deck to the injury to begin repairing it. It also wants to protect the injury (stiffness, swelling, weakness).

No strength work!

The body lays down tissue to repair the damage. It’s not pretty but it works.

Isometric strength work and some passive ROM.

The body fine tunes the repair work. The tissue isn’t laid down perfectly so it might criss cross some stuff instead of laying it down parallel to the existing fibers.

Return to normal function but take your time.

The time for each phase is only known by the body so listen to it!


Also depends on how bad it is, but give it time. It sucks, buts it’s better than stuffing it more, I know, hard pill to swallow sometimes.

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Sorry to hear that Hog.
Time to work on them chesticles for a couple of days.
And the lats, shoulders and arms :slight_smile:
I didn’t feel it, but you did RDL, leg curls and good mornings after the pop. I think you might feel them hammies to day if it was a bad tear.
Hope you recover quickly

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Back right off and stop stretching. No DL, no squat. Focus on your upper body for a week or so.

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Good news:

There is zero bruising on the hams which means it wasn’t a terrible thing. The lack of pain in the ham is also a good sign. It is tight like a small knot in the muscle belly but noting super uncomfortable or painful. I may have gotten lucky.

In other news I’m losing weight. 239.2lbs.


@I_Luc I was asking to see how some of you guys have worked through this sort of thing in the past. As of today there is no real pain in the muscle belly. It is very tight and tender but not bad and I can walk without any pain. I’ve been icing it and keeping it resting…gonna test it in a few days to a week. With body weight/ bar work.


Enjoying some time off at the casino. So far so good! Not too much to eat or drink but not watching it too close. Enjoying the time.


Yeah I’ve had this happen a few times, only once with the hammy, usually try and be sensible about it and take it easy, however a couple of times I have pushed through and made it worse. @Frank_C said it right, it sucks, but don’t stretch it or use it, maybe some walking to get the blood flowing.


pull sumo. problem solved ez game ez life


Sumo is da wae


It only just occurred to me that almost the exact same thing happened to me when I started out training. Deadlifted, felt a weird kind of pop in my hamstring. Did the worst possible thing to recover: heat pack, stretching and trained the next day. Don’t do that.


I’m glad the hammie is feeling OK - so far, so good. Like @Frank_C said, go easy and listen to your body. I’d go so far as to take a full week from the date of popping off from direct leg lifting. Moderate walking might be a good substitute on lower body days, depending on how you feel in the next day or two.

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Yeah Hog work on them upper body muscles for a week or so.
Get in some walks and a couple of light bike rides. The best way to get blood through them legs and to work them light is doing some biking.

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You guys need to calm down. You’re starting to sound like CrossFitters spreading your cult ideology :wink:


JMaier31 does not know da wae.

Come ma brudahs sumo is de wey.


I prefer to do a hip hinge movement on my pulling days.

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Home from the casino. Walked nearly 4 miles yesterday (in the casino). Lost like 2 lbs it seems. The hammie is good. Still tight but no pain. I’m guessing a full week off is where I will start. Tomorrow is deadlift day. Instead I’ll do a full back day with supported rows and some rear delt work.

Today is OHP day. I’ll log it later


What else did you lose besides 2lbs? Or did you walk away with something else?