Losthog—2018 First year

I have no idea what you’re doing here.

I’ve said it before, but nice job taking a smart approach with your leg training after the hamstring scare!

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Barbell glute ham raise.

Bar goes on the pelvis and you basically hump the bar into the air. I’m sure it looks gay as fuck, but it is good for low back, glutes, and hamstrings.

Ahhhh, got it. I call those barbell hip thrusts. When I see glute ham raise I think of the fancy back extension things…like this:

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Great rep! Looked smooth :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Edit: grandma was watching the squat video over my shoulder. She was like: “Oh lord, that’s a lot” :joy: you impressed the hell out of my grandma


Tell her that I like older women…:joy::joy::joy:


Good work daddy long legs. Take your time with that hammie, three plates is imminent, but only if you don’t end up having to put yourself through rehab steps again.

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Is 275 an all-time pr?! Congratulations! You’re a beast hitting a pr coming off an injury like that. Shoutout to those ungodly 25 rep sets of squats hahaha

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Late to the party Hog.
That was a great looking squat. Congrats on PR and well done injury prevention.

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This was the last “big” lift for the cycle. Deload next week. Rehab for the hammy was very deliberate and extremely controlled.

The whole mental thing was difficult to get back under 255 again once that went up smooth I had to do just a little more. Then I just got greedy.

What the video doesn’t show is me yelling at the weights before that 275 lift.
“I own you…I decide what I lift!”


Yeah it was an all time most on the bar lift. I think I had another 20lbs in me, but hey I’m still in no hurry.

There was a slight shift forward coming up but no real grind. I’ll use the same tm to start my next cycle just to ensure the hammy stays healthy and build more confidence in heavy squats.

I must admit I was worried going under 255. I was scared it would blow out again and I would be screwed.

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Good job with the Head Games in the squat. It’s all mental!

Speaking of mental; If you were teaching me to throw the discus, would we throw rapid fire, hang, bang, bang until I was tired? Or would we throw increasingly heavier disks until I couldn’t get 10 feet?

No way, we’d get a quality throw, then recover, then throw again. We wouldn’t let fatigue or weight end the set. We wouldn’t throw till I was exhausted. We’d just get some specific number of good, non-sloppy throws in. Speed Work!

If you hate high rep sets of power cleans, you can do 8 sets of 3 reps with short, short rests between sets. By the end, fatigue will accumulate, but technique won’t deteriorate. If you continuously shorten the rest periods with the same weight, you’ll become more powerful (work/time). Speed Work!


I’m glad you’re playing it safe. The gainz train has JUST left the station and it’s barely moving. No point in not being able to enjoy the rest of the ride because of another busted hammy.

I agree that squatting is all mental. For the first few months of my powerlifting stuff, I was terrified of squatting anything over 275. Working to 300 was awful. When I put 3 plates on the bar I wanted to shit my pants. When I finally got to 325 (my original max when I started training), I was hyperventilating on a bench next to the squat rack. Then I squatted it for X amount of reps and realized that I can make any reasonable weight my bitch if I want to. It’s completely mental. Do you want it? Do you want to move the weight more than it wants to pin you down? Are you going to let a few plates disrespect you and bury you in the hole? Absolutely fucking not. Every time I hit a PR or am about to attempt a PR I yell “Gimme that SHIT!!!”. It’s all about the attitude. People on TN are different from most of the gym-going population in the sense that we don’t go in the gym to break a sweat and burn calories on the stairmaster. We go in the gym to prove to ourselves that we’re alphas


3/16/18-- deload OHP day

Decided to not use any barbell work to deload. Did same areas of exercise with 3 sets of 10 or 8.

DB Arnold standing press:

DB incline hammer press:

Chins: 5,5
Pull ups: 5,3

Seated cable rows with v handle:

Low to upper chest:
160x10x3. Slow with squeeze and slow

Mid to sternum:
160x10x3. Same

High to belly:
160x10x3 same

DB concentration curls:
35x8, x10, x8

Tri pushdown with rope: slow with squeeze

90x20, 110x20, 110x20

DB Incline curls:

DB overhead extensions
20x10, 25x10, x10

Bench dips feet on box
25lb plate x 15, 15, 20

Push-ups feet on bench:
15, 15, 10


That’s a de-load day? Wow, I think I am doing it wrong! How long did that take you?

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A little over an hour.

Nice approach!

But I agree with this. That’s a lot of volume for a deload but as long as you were just getting some blood flow and enjoying the movements then I’m sure it’s fine (as opposed to pushing every exercise).


I am not criticizing.I am impressed.

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All good. Didn’t feel any negative vibes. I probably over did it…but I usually do.


That looks like a bodybuilder’s average lifting day!


A bobybuilders heavy day is a power lifter’s deload. :joy::joy::joy::joy: