Lost Motivation, Please Help Me

I’m 16, I joined a gym a year ago, the first few months in the gym, everything was great, I kept getting the muscles and everything stopped. I lost my motivation and I have not been to the gym four months then I again join the gym. I got less and less muscle, eat 5 meals a day, I bought a whey protein but nothing is happening. What am I doing wrong?

That sucks, but it happens to the best of us.

What are your workouts like?

Did you stop working out for a chick?

I train two hours a day is very hard. I stopped because I did not train
more video results. But I entered the gym for a girl who left me, but now
she’s changed her mind

Play a sport. When your training affects your performance, you will train harder.


Understand that motivation doesn’t last/work in the long run. As much as I hate to sound cliche, you need discipline. A huge part of that would be doing something you hate/dread.

Or alternatively…

You could find a goal more in line with your needs and work it from that angle instead.

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Well said already


The sport comment is good too. We have older Rugby leagues. Guys 30-60s doing Strength and Conditioning. Getting bigger stronger faster.
Maybe you have a sport you can apply training to as well

I say just have a Goal. Why are you in the gym in the first place? Before it was for a chick; now what? This you can only answer for yourself.

@kica What is your overall motivational factor in the first place in going to the gym?

I want to get the muscles to take off fat. What are the best supliments for me?

hard work
good work ethic
Asking less stupid questions
lifting heavy weights progressively heavier
eating enough food to fuel your progress in the gym whilst not making you fat

that sounds about right


Read through Alpha’s logs and some of his rants on the youtubez…

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“Lost Motivation, Please Help Me”
I can’t. You can. We’re done here.


Motivation can get you started, and it comes and goes. Its habit and determination that keep you going. Make lifting a part of your lifestyle.

For me I come home from work, I lift, I eat. A lot of people would be bored with my life, but I like it.

And everyone loves newbie gains. After that its slower, and plateaus happens, but there’s still progress. You have to learn to accept that the further you go the longer your timeline for change becomes (if that makes sense).