Lost All My Gains During PCT

Ran test e at 500mg/ wk for 14 weeks with 40mg anavar for the final 6 weeks. Made great gains, felt amazing and decided it was time to come off. I’d originally bought enough Test to run a cruise, but decided against it and decided to do PCT. I stopped and ran HCG for 2 weeks while I waited for the Test to clear, then started with Clomid/ Nolva. I increased calories to above maintenance to sustain the gains, but on my second week of the PCT I looked and felt bloody awful. I’d lost all my gains and people commented on me looking “smaller”. I caved and jumped on a TRT Test E dose of 200mg/w.

I’ve booked bloods for a couple of week’s time to see what’s happening, but question is: how long until I can jump on my next cycle/ blast? Feel like I’ve f*cked it a bit with all this PCT stuff thrown in the middle. I’d get back on a cycle now if I could, but I’m thinking that’s probably a bad idea and I should stabilise a bit first…

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Welcome to the world of cycling my guy. Even on a cruise you likely won’t hold all the size you got while blasting, that’s why ppl go back and forth.

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and thats where the mistake is.

i would get back on at least a cruise dose, IF you are ready for BnC life.
cycle and pct is worst that you can do if you want to keep gains… no matter how good the pct is and how you increase calories, unless you started a cycle being waaay undertrained and miles away from your natural potential, OR you have super awesome genetics and you already look like on steroids before you took steroids, you will never keep any gains when you go off…

Either dont do it anymore at all, or sign up for BnC lifestyle and understand that you will be on at least TRT dose for the rest of your life.


That was my mentality going into it. I did start on TRT, but knew I was gonna blast.


Brother, appears you did everything pretty right using the Colucci Safe Method of recreational AAS usage but now you are suffering. Begs the question, what’s exactly the point of running one cycle without the “net” of TRT or cruise?

@Chris_Colucci since I don’t have the common sense for all this (yes, my sense is uncommon it seems), perhaps you can help our deflated Brother here? Are there additional safe methods he can employ or does he move on to safer methods or risk reduction methods to continue his recreational AAS use?

Does the Safe Method approach doom one to a miserable one and done experience? But Bro, I want to keep those gainz?

Safe Method: Seems sadistic and a very short-lived recreational hobby. What’s the point?

Dude… No…

Don’t pick this hill to die on

It’s not worth a suspension/ban. Some people recover faster than others, some have faulty endocrine parameters at baseline

There is SO much that goes into this. Steroids aren’t for everyone, however for healthy ADULTS who have been training hard; testing the waters isn’t the end of the world for most

As specified, provided you are healthy; worst case scenario from one high dose cycle like this is TRT for life. This is a risk in assuming most are willing to take if they’re willing to inject themselves with exogenous hormones.

MOST twenty five year old men capable of making a well informed decision… I say most as I have met people in the 30-35 age bracket who still behave like children. It’s hilarious to hear a 36 y/old male talk about the rave they’re going to attend… You aren’t in high school anymore buddy :joy:


Read my words. One cycle vs blast / cruise or blast / TRT. After one cycle is the next one SAFE or safer? Take the limit as the number of cycles approach a large number…

Recreational implies chronic even if intermittent use. What’s the point of one cycle or cycling intermittently with a proper PCT? If you are Kevin Levrone I get it. For the amateur thong warrior, dumb.

One cycle and one cycle only for a SAFE method??
Okay, perhaps that is the best risk reduction strategy. Get it out of your system :grinning:.

I’ll still argue the SAFE methods description gives the naive a free lunch mirage. There is no free lunch. Be ready to Pay your way or find another hobby. The payment will come due.

And the fact you are talking about a possible ban for discussing this very critical topic tells you what you need to know about how messed up the situation is.

Substantive debate seems to be a lost art??

I can’t reply now, but for the time being please just drop it. Pick your battles, you don’t always need to have the last word

I really don’t want to see you banned or suspended again. You’re one of my favourite posters.

This forum is owned by a large corporation, moderators exist to moderate. Yet this board is still more libertarian than most

But as you have a democratic right to excise free speech, those who own/work for the business this board is a part of can excise their democratic right to revoke the posting privileges of those who cause trouble.

Being able to post unrestricted on here is akin to a privilege, not a right.


Amen. That’s their call and their right.

Thanks for your kinds words. On the posting, likewise. You are Da Man.

Then they weren’t gains. Muscle doesn’t go away that fast. You looked good because you put on a ton of water and glycogen and for some reason you thought that was all real. It’s an illusion. A good first cycle with exactly the right diet and training was never, ever going to get you 20lbs of permanent mass. Not even 10lbs. You can expect 5-7lbs of real, actual tissue, if you’re lucky. Probably another 5lbs of pure fat. Everything else is just a mirage.


It’s not substantive debate. You have an opinion, the forum admin has another one. Everyone knows how you feel. Nobody is looking to debate you. You’re looking to police the language that a forum owned by someone else uses. What that accomplishes is beyond me. Maybe I’m not smart enough to see your 86D chess game.


@iron_yuppie 86D chess. Good one.

It ain’t just my opinion… I do see your point… it probably accomplishes about what everything else on here accomplishes…

In general, intelligent people get together and create standards for a reason. This forum is not exempt from such motivation. We should try to do things better and that’s what I try to contribute on here. That’s why you are here.

If the forum owners don’t want to adopt best practices or industry standards then so be it. But don’t give the impression that the two opinions are of equal value in terms of risk reduction. That’s simply not the case.

FYI: I tried to share this the other day but it was deleted. Really was a low move… Hope it helps someone (of course the post may be gone tomorrow morning :smiley:). I’m not a quitter.


See section 4.2

4 Use of the terms “safety” and “safe”

4.1 The term “safe” is often understood by the general public as the state of being protected from all hazards. However, this is a misunderstanding: “safe” is rather the state of being protected from recognized hazards that are likely to cause harm. Some level of risk is inherent in products or systems (see 3.14).

4.2 The use of the terms “safety” and “safe” as descriptive adjectives should be avoided when they convey no useful extra information. In addition, they are likely to be misinterpreted as an assurance of freedom from risk.

The recommended approach is to replace, wherever possible, the terms “safety” and “safe” with an indication of the objective.


“Protective helmet” instead of “safety helmet”; “protective impedance device” instead of “safety impedance”; “slip resistant floor-covering” instead of “safe floor-covering”.

Also see section 3 for nice definitions.

And back to the point of the thread…where does the OP go next…

  1. Cycle + true PCT for 1.005 steps forward and 1 step back (maybe) or is it 1 step forward and 1.205 steps back?


  1. Cycle + cruise (or TRT)?

Discuss in the context of safe vs safer. What’s your goal with all this OP?

Clearly the OP is a thoughtful chap who is considering his health in the calculus.

What’s the point of option 1 again unless you enjoy the swings and mindf**ck you will experience?

Since you like the word safe so much…

What’s safer?

Option 1. You plant your flag here and die, only to be banned.

Option 2: you accept the fate that this place sucks for using a broad term you don’t agree with, and you continue to help countless poor souls navigating the Merky waters of AAS’s hoping to guide them and provide sound theories in how to minimize harm/talk them out of something more harmful.

I’m sure there’s more options but I’d hate to see you go man. This forum needs people like you and the other smart and respected members to continue posting and helping. It’s what sets this place apart from the rest.


Haha. No I don’t want to see the word safe on here. That’s the whole point of all these kcals I spent :grinning:. And I don’t want to use the word safe.

Option 3. We agree best practice and ISO standards (+ apparently uncommon sense) would support changing the word safe to “safer” or use the term “risk reduction” as the adjective modifying the word “method” in the AAS forum description. Then we move on knowing we all did our best to make TNation better (which is a shared goal for all of us; at least I hope).

Thanks for your kind words. I catch a lot of crap at home for posting on here and I don’t understand why I would be banned. Is this the equivalent of suicide by cop?? Suicide by Colucci? :innocent:

If I do get banned I am genuinely curious what the reason will be for the ban. That could be entertaining. I guess I’ll be part of a strange club…“this dude had to go; he cared too much and made only logically coherent and technically sound arguments. That can’t be allowed on our forum.”

However, I sincerely don’t want a ban and am not looking for one. I’ve done my best and given what I could. I have never appealed to authority on here and believe everyone should be judged by the technical merits of their arguments and soundness of their logic.

Be well and to your health kind Sir.

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I’ll take the illusion! I know this is probably the wrong thing to say, but my primary concern isn’t the amount of plates I’m adding to the bar or how many PBs I’m smashing every week. If that’s a byproduct of looking good, then I’ll happily take it, but my main goal when taking AAS is to improve my aesthetic appearance. If I achieve that through water and glycogen then I can live with that :joy:

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Thanks all for your contributions! I’m not really that bothered about signing up to BnC for the rest of my life. Prior to taking AAS, I was showing signs of low T anyway, so I can’t say my natural levels are anything I’m yearning for. Equally, I’m not bothered about having kids either, so fertility problems aren’t a concern.

It’s 5 weeks since the last jab from my 14 week blast. In this 5 weeks I’ve had 2 weeks of HCG and 2 subsequent weeks of PCT. I’m now in my first week of TRT dosing. Do I need to wait 9 more weeks until I can blast again ideally? Guessing the bloods will dictate this one…

Time on = time off

So what do you hope to learn from the blood work? Based on that answer, what does that tells you about when to draw the blood work?