Losing Fat & Gaining Muscle

If I create a calory deficit eating less food but I still take my whey proteins is it still possible to gain muscle and loose my extra pounds ?!?

Some of you told me that I must choose one : or I trim and stop gaining muscle OR I put on some lean mass but still having my extra pounds on…

Extra info :
I train twice a week (I work and study so It’s almost impossible for me to train more than twice).
In one year I noticed very good gains in strenght,but almost none in the mirror.
I usually take my proteins after the training.

I’m 5.3 feet,29 y/o,male,125pounds, very light built,I have 10 pounds to loose.

[quote]Horazio wrote:
If I create a calory deficit eating less food but I still take my whey proteins is it still possible to gain muscle and loose my extra pounds ?!?

Some of you told me that I must choose one : or I trim and stop gaining muscle OR I put on some lean mass but still having my extra pounds on…

Extra info :
I train twice a week (I work and study so It’s almost impossible for me to train more than twice).
In one year I noticed very good gains in strenght,but almost none in the mirror.
I usually take my proteins after the training.

I’m 5.3 feet,29 y/o,male,125pounds, very light built,I have 10 pounds to loose.[/quote]

Is this a serious post? 125lbs? My girfriend who doesn’t train weighs more than you.

You will build muscle and lose fat if your just starting out. Just concetrate on eating properly and building your metabolism.

look at the massive eating reloaded articles. and add in proper cardio.

Whey protein by itself does very little PWO. Try adding glutamine, creatine , carbs, and or fats to it if your taking it as a meal replacement

Which one are you, Guido or Luigi?

No seriously I know 5.3 is short, but I cant even begin to imagine you NEED to lose weight at 125lbs.

And no, you cant grow muscle while running on negative calories but upping your protein intake is a good way to start.

[quote]Horazio wrote:
If I create a calory deficit eating less food but I still take my whey proteins is it still possible to gain muscle and loose my extra pounds ?!?

No. I believe that if you were to eat above the maintenance level, and then workout to burn the calories to create a caloric deficit via training, you’d have a better chance at gaining minimal fat while putting on muscle - the only thing is you’d need to train more than 5 hours a week.

Go look up G-Flux by John Berardi.

Im assuming your training purely for cosmetic purposes (ie, bodybuilding).

At 5’3", 125, youre not even 2 lbs/inch. Dont worry about your 10 lbs. I understand the desire to look better, but whats going to look better? you being 115 lbs and lean or 150 with that same 10 lbs? Chances are, if you gain muscle mass, that little bit of weight thats bothering you right now will not be as noticable. Train hard and eat right. Chances are, that fat will work itself out on its own as long as you are eating clean (and enough) and training hard.

…BUT if I train hard and eat less I could take the extra calories from my own fat while putting some lean mass from food ?! Is this impossible ?

You will not build muscle while eating below maintenance calories if you are training naturally.

Imagine trying to build a house, but only having half of the materials you need.
Eat clean and train hard. The lean mass you gain will make that 10 lbs you have look like less.

at 115 lbs, you are going to look like little more than a skeleton. Muscle, like any other tissue, requires calories to support it. Gain muscle and dont worry about your bodyfat so much.

trim down to what???
and no, the body is usually very inefficient at burning fat and building muscle at the same time. This can ostensibly be achieved by very very careful meal timing (with planned bulk and cut sessions within the same day) but I doubt of anyone is actually able to cut it that fine.

youre going along the route of “paralysis by analysis” Embark on SOMETHING. If you want to cut, go ahead and cut but monitor your body composition. If you succeed in dropping fat while holding on to muscle and without messing up your metabolism, more power to you. If you don;t, it’ll be a useful lesson for you.

[quote]Horazio wrote:
If I create a calory deficit eating less food but I still take my whey proteins is it still possible to gain muscle and loose my extra pounds ?!?

Some of you told me that I must choose one : or I trim and stop gaining muscle OR I put on some lean mass but still having my extra pounds on…

Extra info :
I train twice a week (I work and study so It’s almost impossible for me to train more than twice).
In one year I noticed very good gains in strenght,but almost none in the mirror.
I usually take my proteins after the training.

I’m 5.3 feet,29 y/o,male,125pounds, very light built,I have 10 pounds to loose.[/quote]