Lord Humongous training log: Humongous T-transformation log

Care to elaborate? My gym performance has been exceptional so far, and I haven’t felt run down so I didn’t realize my cals were too low

PS that’s a great show

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Kinda can’t be fucked so I’ll half arse it.

This shit’s easy enough to understand tru? Consistency on everything. Calorie balance is top priority. If these aren’t in check you’ve no business worrying about things that are of lower priority because it won’t make any difference in the higher priorities are not met.

You are a bit inconsistent with your caloric intake/s. There you go.

Fuck meal timing, food composition, supplements hell even macros at this point (tho its good you are getting enough protein).

I’m seeing words like “rough, estimate, generally, usually, hoping” and a lot of “-” /ranges going on up in here. If this approach works for you then go ahead my dude. Guesstimating all the things works well enough for me but then again maybe I was a set of kitchen scales in a past life so I’m good at that shit. Apparently it is not working well enough for you unfortunately.

Be more accurate with your counting, brutally honest with yourself and the only guesstimating you should be doing is overestimating the macros in the foods you can’t find accurate numbers for.

Consistency too. No cycling calories, carbs or whatever the fuck, no cheat meals, refeeds (at this at least stage you may need it deeper into your diet), random fasts or other shit that is apparently not working out so well for you at present.

Be accurate-r consistently, track/monitor and adjust accordingly. Weight loss stalled or too slow? Adjust calories down. Weight loss too fast? Adjust calories up ez.

Cardio/Conditioning… nah lel. If you want to but not necessary when dieting for body composition

Stick with the basic principles and do em well and you’ll be making all kind of body composition sexiness gains.

Not so convinced by metabolic damage and starvation mode stuff… well at least their magnitude and them being a big factor, unless you’ve truly starved yourself until your body is fucked up or you’ve a legit medical condition. It’s good for selling people stuff tho I’ll give it that. Think there was a thread on here recently about that if you’re curious. If you’d rather not go off a sample size of a dozen peep’s anecdote then there’s been studies done on the matter.

Still not a good idea to hop on (relatively) low calories tho. The point on having no wiggle room to adjust caloric intake is a good one and also that low calorie diets cause people to cheat thus defeating the purpose in the first place. Training wise it’ll drop your intensity sooner or later so overall low calories probably not a good idea.


Hey man, I appreciate you taking the time to dish out advice. I feel I should elaborate though

When I’m giving rough estimates and "generally"s and such is just to account for the fact that I don’t eat the same stuff every day. My calories and protein are staying consistent. Looking over my myfitness pal, almost every day the last three weeks that wasn’t a fast day was in the 2700-2850 range. Except for a couple days that were actually 2400-2500, and that’s just because i wasn’t hungry enough to eat 2700 lol. I’d say that’s fairly consistent no? the only things that aren’t consistent are the actual food sources themselves, and carbs and fats (which do a balancing act to keep calories even)

As far as the whole starvation thing goes, even just eating 2700 calories I feel satiated most of the day. it’s not like I’m waiting until my stomach is in knots to nibble on some lettuce.

I suppose it could be the fasts. I’ve done it in the past with some success, but maybe my body’s reacting differently to it this time for some reason

This was my original though at well, but I felt like starting at BW x10 I shouldn’t be having to cut calories more already

I’m seeing a lot of estimates. Are you sure you’re eating 2700 cal/day? It looks like you have a big margin of error, so you may well be eating closer to 3200 cal/day or even more. @khangles made excellent points

You’d hope but I guess you can only work with the data you have. We can think, say, claim, rationalise, but the numbers don’t lie unless you’re scale is fucked.

If everything else is on point and the numbers on the scale are pointing to drop calories then that’s what you’re gonna have to do. Or cardio to increase calories burnt… but fuck cardio.

Yeah like I was telling khangles, every day fell between 2700 and 2850. It’s just the macros are different day-to-day cuz I’m not eating the same stuff all the time so I just get whatever macros to hit my calorie goal. I measure the food that I can, and look up in MFP the stuff that I can’t so I know what I’m eating daily.

PS I’m actually at work right now typing all this stuff on my phone so apologies to everybody if I’m not being as clear and detailed as I think I’m being lol

I’m the opposite, I’m a food addict so I’d rather add in cardio then eat less food haha. I think I’ll start adding in some cardio at the end of some of my sessions and see how I feel. Maybe add one session of bike sprints and one session of high incline treadmill walking a week. If I still have to adjust my calories afterwards then so be it

Fair enough. Similar principles consistency, accuracy and tracking still apply. Maybe track number of sprints/week with all other variables being pretty constant. Maintain or increase as required

I’m guesstimating most of my diet and what I find really helps is having an app that tracks your weight and graphs it so you can see where you are at. Also it graphs your “goal” like the rate of fat loss you should be on to achieve how much weight loss in a given time so you know if youre on track.

Speaking of conditioning, It’s to hurry up and be spring so I can get the ol prowler out of my shed. That thing kicks ass. Plus I know the guy who owns the gym (both our kids go to school together) so I could probably convince him to let me take the trap bar out the side door and and do some farmers walks in the grassy patch next to the gym every once in a while. Add in the rowing ergometer, stair climber and sprints and I could work my way up to doing some kind of conditioning finisher at the end of all my workouts

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Yeah bro, I really like the MyFitnessPal app. Helps keep me accountable

You could just track how many BigMac Stacks you eat per week you cheeky cunt


You forgot to smile…



Where dafuq did you come from you cheeky cunt *smiles


I Jumped across from @Despade log because @lord_humongous looked like a strong guy with an interesting log, now I’m hanging around because I might actually learn something

Do not assume the rhetoric baby pls

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If your calories are fairly consistent and you still aren’t seeing progress I would look at macros. My experience has been that consistency with both calories and macros is way more effective.

Will do man. Thanks for all the help

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