Lord Humongous training log: Humongous T-transformation log

Ima make it not so short and not so sweet. If you want some clarification or HowTos on anything just specify

Not the worst I’ve seen and definitely not a steaming pile of shit. Technique/form can always be better tho and I think it’s a good idea to always try to get sexier lifts whether you are a beginner or a world record holder.

I think you’ve read what I chucked in that other thread somewhere and that still stands. Unfortunately for some peeps mobility and body segment lengths that can mean a torso angle that’s closer to parallel to the ground than vertical. Does load up the back more so you are more likely to get rounded out and thus its especially important to brace hard and start in a good position.

Power leak and hips shooting up at the start tends to fuck people up technique/bracing wise.

Not worth it if you get tight in one position and explode off the ground if you end up actually beginning the pull from a different position and wasting that drive off the floor. This isn’t even mentioning form/technique breakdown due to the abrupt hip rise e.g. loss of tightness and rounding of the back.

If you really like pulling from a low position it can work. If you do a true clean pull you miss out on a lot of potential posterior chain action and end up moving less weight. If you just start low and do a “Mikhail Koklyaev” you end up pulling from a high hip position anyways.

Read up in this thread for more:

Konstantin Konstantinovs did pretty well with a rounded upper back tho.

If you want to pull with a flat upper back (you don’t have to) you gotta put in the mobility work / let getting into position for deadlift stretch you out over time and/or live with whatever the best position is that you end up in with a neutral braced spine (even if that is back parallel to the ground)

Cues like long arms, externally rotating your elbows/arms/shoulders and covering your armpits with your arms may help but in the end you just need to get in the best position possible

For powerlifting deadlift purposes any position you can get in with heels you should be able to get into in flats. It pretty much takes a combination of knee bend/forward over the bar and sitting back to find the same position in flats as in heels.

Heeled shoes make the difference in enabling olympic athletes to achieve a combination of extreme depth and more vertical back angles that would be physically impossible without. These positions are part of the base upon which successful oly lifting is built just ask the Chinese. In powerlifting we do not assume these positions so for deadlift heeled shoes offer no advantage. They do disadvantage you a tiny tiny bit in that they turn the DL into a 1 inch deficit deadlift.

Better to deadlift in decent flat footwear e.g. slippers for powerlifting purposes.

Next time you’re hitting some high-ish percentage 1RMs (enough for some form break down if you aren’t concentrating) turn one of the sets e.g. 3 reps into 3 singles and film from different angles including, at minimum, a perfectly side on angle that isn’t half the length of the fucking gym away and a front side-ish angle like this vid

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