Looking for guidance - new blood work

M46, 5’10", 155lbs, Intramuscular Test Cypionate, 32mg EOD, no other supporting injections / pills.

So I just got my 2nd blood test back 8 weeks after my dosage reduction (40mg EOD → 32mg EOD). It looks like my Estradiol and my Testosterone has dropped but not by much and they are still pretty high.

I’m still not feeling normalized / great; some fatigue, soreness (but I think it’s from using dumbells), agitation / irritability, quick to anger, and my sleep is still broken up during the night. Some of these could be due to something else but I’m not sure what. I have seen some gains; exercising 6 days a week; one day cardio, one day lifting. Diet is clean. No drugs / alcohol. No major stress at this point except for broken sleep.

It also looks like my Free T4 is trending downwards (pituitary problem?) and Hematocrit is trending upwards. Let me know what you think… Thank you in advance for your experiences and insights.

I am wondering if I should lower my dosage yet again and if so, by how much?

Feb 6th 2020 (before Testosterone)
Total T 11.7 (8.4 - 28.8)
Free T 139 (196 - 636)
Estradiol <40 (<162)
SHGB No Data
TSH 1.41 (0.32 - 4.00)
T4 13 (9 - 19)
T3 4.2 (2.6 - 5.8)
Hematocrit 0.449 (0.400 - 0.500)

April 21 2020 (first blood test 8 weeks 40mg EOD)
Total T 50.7 (8.4 - 28.8)
Free T 1103 (196 - 636)
Estradiol 329 (<162)
SHGB 47.4 (10 - 70)
TSH 1.49 (0.32 - 4.00)
T4 10 (9 - 19)
T3 5.7 (2.6 - 5.8)
Hematocrit 0.465 (0.400 - 0.500)

June 22 2020 (second blood test 8 weeks 32mg EOD)
Total T 43.0 (8.4 - 28.8)
Free T 974 (196 - 636)
Estradiol 277 (<162)
SHGB 40.9 (10 - 70)
TSH 1.89 (0.32 - 4.00)
T4 10 (9 - 19)
T3 4.8 (2.6 - 5.8)
Hematocrit 0.490 (0.400 - 0.500)

Supplements / Vitamins I take periodically during the week:
Purple K Creatine Caps (most days 750-1500mg)
Probiotic (every day for digestion)
Diatomaceous Earth food grade (most days for digestion)
B Complex (EOD - E3D)
C 1000mg (EOD - E3D)
D3+K 5000mg (most days)
Magnesium Malate (2 days per week)
Zinc (2 days per week)
E (1-2 days per week)
Multi vitamin (1-2 days per week)
B2 / Riboflavin (1-2 days per week)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Sore and Aching All the Time, 5 Months In