Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!

You think so? We were told by the politicians what the intelligence community believed. If you read what the intelligence community really thought, it would be a different assessment. Scott Ritter said Iraq had no wmds and he was a UN weapons inspector.

They lied, GWB wanted to get Saddam Hussein because he threatened his father

It’s been a long time, but I thought I remembered CIA testimony and such that supported the claims and they admitted to getting it wrong. Yeah, I don’t particularly value UN weapons inspectors especially when they weren’t allowed to inspect. There were other inspectors saying they couldn’t get in to do their job. But I’m primarily talking about US intelligence.

What I really think (or at least what I remember thinking) happened was Saddam built the myth of WMDs even to the point his own generals thought they had them. I don’t think he believed the US would invade and he felt their existence gave his power stability. He was wrong.

I don’t mean this as a moral defense of GWB, I’m not sure whether I’d prefer it to be a lie or accept that our intelligence services were that wrong and were fooled by an insane 3rd world dictator. It’s a loose loose, but no, I didn’t ultimate read what they did as lying.

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Libertarian explainer from Cato Institute fellow Julian Sanchez


Disagree. As an underachiever of the Bush name his entire life, GWB wanted to finally do something to Trump his father. Having his father’s right hand man and de facto VP James Baker advise against invading Iraq was like waving a red flag in front of a bull.


Never trust CNN
there is an article by CNN that Bush says

Saddam tried to kill my father

20 years ago, CNN was actually watchable. Read it, Baker is quoted, they’re Baker’s words from a NY Times op-ed. Yes, 20 years ago, Republicans still respected the NY Times.

Same quotes from another source: Baker voices caution on Iraq regime change - UPI Archives



there may have been a time where CNN reported the news
looooonnnnngggg time ago

I still believe Bush had a personal vendetta

Damn, GWB dumber than I remember lol. Maybe he was genuinely too dumb to know Baker would’ve never said anything publicly w/o the senior Bush’s approval; Baker was the guy they sent to Florida to ensure GWB’s election -100% trusted by senior Bush.

I guess we now know why GWB was given “bad” intelligence -because if you want to keep your job, you always tell the boss what he wants to hear! It was definitely for personal reasons, and I still think it was for personal reasons not spoken

If they could have arrested trump with any evidence for any reason, they would have. They investigated every nook and cranny of his life. He just didn’t do anything illegal. Clinton did. She probably won’t go to jail, but who knows. The Durham report is not out.
What we are discussing is a court filing. And she has committed many crimes, many, many.


Think that at your own peril. He had me believing he is a conservative and he is not. I remember reading in his book that deciding to be pro-life was a political calculation. He was open to come out on either side of the issue and almost chose a liberal republican running mate who was pro-choice, but because of political calculus he went pro-life. Meaning in other words, he is an establishment shill. Dumb, I don’t think so. He was very calculating all the time. He played both sides against each other to his benefit all the time. What GWB is not is a conservative, he is a uni-party shill.

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One guess:

“I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country.”

Hillary Clinton Says No to 2024 Presidential Bid (msn.com)

Thank god


Could have been fun to watch her histrionics. But don’t count her out yet. She’s says no now. But I don’t mind her not running, there is always a chance she could win and we don’t need more stupid than we got right now.

I wonder if Putin would have feared Hillary. Doesn’t she have a longer kill list than him?