Lo/Rez Training

Seems she’s done with the survey, but for the sake of posterity, my Alexithymic results.

127 points total.

Category: Difficulty Identifying Feelings: 24 Points <15 - 18>
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Difficulty Describing Feelings: 18 Points <10 - 12>
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Vicarious Interpretation of Feelings: 8 Points <8 - 9>
In this category you show some alexithymic traits.

Category: Externally-Oriented Thinking: 30 Points <18 - 21>
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Restricted Imaginative Processes: 16 Points <18 - 21>
In this category you show no alexithymic traits.

Category: Problematic Interpersonal Relationships: 21 Points <15 - 18>
In this category you show high alexithymic traits.

Category: Sexual Difficulties and Disinterest: 10 Points <10 - 12>
In this category you show no alexithymic traits.