Littlelee Lifting And Sleeping Log

Dead Day-Week 2-Cycle 4/5-5/3/1

1x3-135,155 lbs
1x3-185 lbs
1x3-195 lbs
1x5-205 lbs REP PR

I screwed up on the weights, 185 was supposed to be 175, oh well.No back fatigue with these

Good Mornings
3x8 -105 lbs s/s with:

1:30 x 2
1:00 x 1

Laying Leg Raises (weighted)
3x10-12.5 lbs

Good workout. I seem to hit more rep PR’s week 2, but things have felt strong for a few weeks now! Was very happy with today!

Sadly, no news for hubbys job. I have not taken many extra shifts the past 2 weeks because we were sure something would happen, but I regret it now since nothing has!

We seem to be annoyed and bored with eachother, which is stressful. Spending too much time together maybe?


You guys are in a very high stress situation. Find a way to peel off the stress of life and just enjoy each other’s company. Talk, laugh, hang out, listen to some good music, play video games, snuggle with a movie, yard work, take a hike, what ever you guys used to do to spend time with each other rekindle the flames, and create some space for the relationship!

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What the Hog said.

And yet again a rep PR… good LL.

Thanks @losthog for the advice. I think I will try to just shut up about it.

Thanks @mortdk

Don’t have to shut up, it’s good to tell it to somebody.
And writing stuff like that down often seems to make one think in other ways and maybe find a solution or answer to a problem.

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Its just something I am overthinking, and will change. I just need to relax and go with the flow.

In Other News

Going into a 3 day work weekend, so some time off from the gym is required.

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians!!!


Canada has a day??? They didn’t teach us about that in history class. I’m guessing the establishiment of Canada was less violent than our process :laughing:



Happy Canada day, or long drinking week end or in Quebec official moving day!

It is going to be a hot one. Stay cool :smiley:

Well, it’s been a bit since I hit the gym. I have had 2 days off in the past 10 days, and had lots of chores and errands on the days off, and just could not get into the gym. One more shift this evening, and I have a few days off to get my focus back.

Also have had a situation that has been on my mind a lot this past week, which has been very distracting… I want to share to get opinions, but want to see how it plays out before I react. ( A huge step for me as when something pisses me off I am normally like a bull who see’s red and just go into the situation saying and doing shit I regret)
Anyhow, hope everyone is enjoying their traininf, I hope to be back at it tomorrow!


So, I didn’t “get back to it tomorrow”. Been fighting a bit of depression and negative mental thoughts.
I had pretty bad depression when I was younger, and from time to time I still fight it. Not going to the gym is definitely the primary contributor to feeling this way.
I just feel sad, ugly, unmotivated, and caught up in some stuff in my personal life. All of which are excuses, because historically I know just getting back into a routine will help me get out of this funk. Working a lot does not help.
But, I am accountable to myself, and I know continuing to make excuses isn’t going to help. So, writing it here to be accountable…I WILL GET TO THE GYM TOMORROW!

Gonna try and catch up on what you all have been up too. I hope you guys are doing ok.


Sorry to hear that you have been in a funk, I understand the feeling. I always feel gross if I havent been to the gym in a while. I hope that everything turns up soon, Im sure it will!

Heres something goofy:

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Damn I’m sorry you’ve been feeling bad. A little exercise always helps me get out of a funk, so I’m sure it will help you too. Anyway, good job for getting back into it :facepunch:t2: (virtual fist bump lol)

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Hey LL

Good to have you back. Hope you’re fine now.
Every now and then things just adds up and we find ourself in a bad emotional rollercoaster.
Just ride it out, get back to the gym, maybe find a punching bag and give it a whirl.
We’ll be here for full support.


@theonecamko @muskratlifts @mortdk
Thanks guys! Appreciate the support and understanding. Just getting my ass in gear this morning to go and workout. After 3 weeks off it’s eithier going to go really good, or really bad…stay tuned!


Squat Day-Cycle 2-Week 4-5/3/1

Squats-1x5-45 lbs, 1x3-95 lbs (warm up)
1x3-125 lbs
1x3-145 lbs
1x6-150 lbs PR

Sumo deads
5x5-135 lbs

Leg Raises

Bulgarian Split Squats

Felt GREAT!!! Fuck ya!


I’m glad you had a good training session

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Good show! Come back after a brief hiatus and hit a PR, nice work.

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Way to go LL :slight_smile:

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@duketheslaya @littlesleeper @mortdk

Thanks guys! It was great to get back at it! Shocked at the PR honestly!

Hubby got job offer today, but he is fighting for a bigger paycheque, so we will see what happens!

Oh…and deadlift bruising returns!