Liberals vs. Regressive Left

This is a Sam Harris pod past that discusses this topic. The whole pod case is not about that. The relevant part. That part starts at about 1:35. So if you want to skip to that part, go to the 1:35 mark on the pod cast and it will be a short 15 minute discussion. You are of course welcome to listen to the whole thing as it is an interesting discussion, but the relevant part to this thread starts at 1:35.
It’s an illumination as to how big the problem really is, and how extremist many on the left have become.
Now, I will say for the record, that this is still a minority of leftists who are trumping free speech. However, this minority is rapidly growing as the grievance infrastructure and industry has gotten a foot hold and rose in power through out the past few years. Now it has come to a head and there is no end in sight.
Needless to say, the protection of grievance is not extended to conservatives and Christians. These groups can be insulted as to one’s heart’s content as we are seen as the ultimate prevailing evil. But now, center leaning leftists are caught in the crossfire and are just now beginning to experience the name calling and badgering right leaning and conservatives have been experiencing for years.

Fuck the presidential race, this issue is the biggest problem gripping our nation. Losing free speech is to lose everything. This is not a joke and I cannot believe how few people care that this fundamental right is being trounced upon and people just give in to avoid a hassle. Professors are scouring their syllabuses so as to avoid being labeled a ‘bigot’ or ‘racist’ even if the discipline they teach requires such discussions take place.

Diversity training is draconian and fascist. I am not throwing labels around to make a point, the shoe fits here.

Scariest times in American history. In war, the most you can lose is your life. In the war against free speech, we stand to lose everything that makes life worth living.

Here is the pod cast: