Let it out!!!

Evil. It must die!! j/k.

I can’t take people who hate mushrooms seriously, mushrooms are probably the best non-meat healthy thing in the world.

I also hate all that name changing crap - especially if a numerologist has been involved.
Still, I must admit that I’m considering getting “Danger” as my new middle name.

I hate flaky women, ESPECIALLY if they seem to make sense (otherwise) and are nice, so you can’t just dislike them when they flake out on you. DAMMIT I HATE THAT!!!

I hate the fact that I love chocolate so much.

I hate that I always sit awake a lot of the night instead of sleeping.

I hate that my rather expensive Levi’s jeans are worn out in the crotch faster than they reasonably should. It’s happened before and forces me to throw out otherwise perfectly good jeans.

I hate that I can’t get over that damn flaky bitch. Moreso I hate that I can never get over those damn women quickly.

I hate running out of toilet paper and not finding out until it’s sort of too late.

I hate the fact that even though I like cooking it’s time consuming, and generally a nuisance in daily life, and I hate that this realisation hasn’t prompted me to think ahead more and cook up a batch of stuff on the weekend.

I like that I never really get stressed out by anything, but hate that this is sometimes so extreme that I don’t really acknowledge a deadline until it’s very very late, making me very very busy occasionally, yet still not really stressed.

I hate that I don’t have a lot of money so I can snowboard whenever I want to, and generally do more fun stuff.

I hate that most women I meet are total dunces, not good looking or just too fucking filled with drama.

What I really hate though is that when you finally meet someone who you think is perfect, and they seem to agree for 3 days, then flake out with the “let’s just be friends” crap. I hate that she’s still clearly attracted to me (some “almost kisses” from her part), still wants to see me pretty often. To me this should mean. Likes me AND is attracted to me. I HATE that I can’t figure out what the hell her problem is, and how to overcome it.

I hate that.

Other than that, life’s peachy.


I had a shit workout today!

I fucking hate tendonitis.

Part 1

I hate going to the grocery store… even though it will always be a part of life.

I hate hondas with a wing so non functional that its doing more harm than good. and oh yeah when I let off the gas the race is over. Not 15 seconds later when you speed by with your fart can… farting

I hate ricers with tachs that go to 10,000 RPM

I hate shitty DJ’s at a club- its like let me go get my cds from my car- be right back.

I hate when idiots pass you after the road has been sanded and they kick up all the rocks that have been “piled” onto the broken yellow lines onto my car and just stay there being clueless shredding my car.

I hate being yelled at for something right when I walk into a room

I hate guys with tight shirts that show arms with all bicep when their backs are paper thin.

Part 2

I hate slow people

I hate when my local radio station goes off the air and I miss the T-man show

I hate when chicks play games- either your interested or your not.
Usually if your hot then your a bitch
(I like nice girls)

I hate chicks with really vulgar mouths

I hate cops that give you tickets for no reason

I hate sharing my common sense with others( chicks)

I hate doing abs

I hate cock blockers

I hate powerlifting now. How many patches does that shirt have? Oh you have a special shirt from Inzer? I mean 800-900 benchs are impressive but come on.Oh 150-200 pounds with a Franz denim squat suit. it is happening. The deadlift remains though. You still have to do all of the work. Its gotta come off the floor!! WABDL still only allows double anything.No openbacks either. Keeps it fair. My federation of choice(good job Gus!)

I hate missing a 600 DL 4 times(575 PR)

all for now

I like that I never really get stressed out by anything, but hate that this is sometimes so extreme that I don’t really acknowledge a deadline until it’s very very late, making me very very busy occasionally, yet still not really stressed.

Amen, Bro! Same thing with learning ? Seems, for me, the learning-curve only kicks-in when real stress is involved or I naturally like the topic. Otherwise I can`t memorize anything.

It sucks! And it seems to get worse (the cristallization of interests) with years. Not too much in line with society dictates… It sucks too!

I hate rants.

-I hate it when I go to the movies, and its too crowded because of those little 14 year old teen bopper pricks.
-I hate when your eating a girl out, she bucks really hard and her pelvis nails you in the nose.
-I hate it when women say they’re fit to be in the infantry.
-I hate Jessica Lynch.
-I hate pregnant women who only wear a sports bra at gyms.
-I hate fat people who blame their obesity on ‘genetics’.
-I hate shitty excuses.
-Oh yeah, I really really hate stupid people.

i hate the fact that it took ranger 50 posts before he told us what he hated

i hate bench shirts as well, wtf is up with all this gear in powerlifting? you should have to bench/squat/dl naked.

how could you hate the grocery store??? food & fine women, i love that place.

i hate the new york knicks, bills, and jets. i hate them more than anything.

Sorry, I don’t actually spend my whole day on this website, so I’m sure there’s gonna be a few posts before i actually post my rants.

ummmm…I hate people…

you posted the topic rangertab, whats that have to do with spending your whole day on this website?

I hate it when i see 30 some replies and think this must be a hot topic, yet only end up reading “i hate you” crap.

I hate to hate

I hate mustard and mayonaise…

I also hate salad.


Don’t you hate pants?

  • Homer Simpson

When you’re taking a crap and it hits the water and the water spashes all over your ass…I HATE it when that happens


I hate going to the orthopeidic because my leg is acting “funny”.

I hate the orthopeidic sending me to a neurologist because he thinks it may be a spinal cord injury.

I hate the neurologist sending me to a neurosurgeon because I have one bulged, and two ruptured disk. One of them fully compressing my spinal cord.

I really hate the neurosurgeon cutting through my throat, removing two disk, putting in two bone grafts, and screwing a titanium plate to my spine.

On the other hand, I kind of like the neurosurgeon telling me that if we can wait a year to remove the third disk, that the synthetic disk will probably be available, meaning that I won’t need another bone graft.

You gotta love that silver lining.

I hate scrawny pricks at the gym who think their strong and get in your way.

I hate those scrawny pricks when they are in the squat rack doing barbell curls.

I hate those scrawny pricks when they are wearing spandex tight shirts to show off their scrawniness.

I hate those scrawny pricks when they come up to me when im doing pin presses and tell me that im should lower the weight because im not getting a full range of motion. All this in MID-SET!!!

I hate that I have to go to classes as well as work out.

I hate when the cafeteria only serves shitty food ie your choice is burger and fries or pizza and fries for a sandwich (you get bloody tired of roast beef sandwiches!!!)

I hate that I have to wait to be 200 pounds. (im 180)

I hate how it costs me 60 bucks to buy 5 pounds of protein powder when im a poor student.

I hate that I cant be working out right now because I need a day off.