Legs for Football and I'm in Need of Some GOOD Advise

ok. So how about this.

week 1, 3x10 additional sets are doubles/triples or top 1 rep sets.
week 2. 5x5
week 3. 3x5
week 4. 5x3
week 5. 3x3


Ok. So how about this

week 1 3x10
week 2 5x5
week 3.5x3
week 4 3x5
week 5 3x3

straight sets or ramping?

In my opinion straight sets would be best, so you know that the weight is easy enough to overcome for multiple sets, but is hard enough to create a cumulative training effect throughout the sets.


whoa whoa whoa.

you eat 5000 calories.

How much weight are you gaining every week or month (depending on how long youve been eating that much)?

If the scale is not moving you need to eat more.

THis is retardedly simple.

Obviously you have a grasp on lfiting, youre moving good weights. Continuing the strength gains is the right mindset but if you arent gaining weight you arent eating enough.

It doesnt matter if you eat 3k, 4k, 5k, 6k or 10k calories. If the scale isnt moving you need to eat more.


well, I say 5k because it’s the nutrition plan my coach gave to me. I don’t follow it meal for meal, sometimes I think I actually eat more than that. Is it still possible to get up around 200 by august? He seems to think I’ll only gain a few lbs at the most like fuggin 5 lol.

You can easily gain 15-20 lbs by next august, you just have to eat enough, simple as that. If you aren’t gaining weight fast enough for your liking…eat more. The end. 5000k is just a random number, it doesn’t mean shit.

Ill repeat. It doesnt matter what the number is. If you arent steadily gaining weight, you arent eating enouhg on a daily basis.

Write down EXACTLY what you ate yesterday, including the portion sizes. Plug it all into a calorie calculator. It’ll total it all up for you. That’s how much you actually ate.

Stop playing games and guessing how much you ate. You are wasting everyones time until you know exactly how much you need to eat in order to grow.

day 1 21’s? Why? Horrible lead off exercise.
day 2 why superset? why aren’t you leading with the skill move
This layout is clumsy and press heavy.
Lead with skill moves, if you are going to be using skill and power moves on the same day.
Why OH shrug?

let me clarify. I’m not as “clumsy” as you think. I did not put the exercises in the correct order i simply listed them. I’m more particular about exercise selection than it appears.
Here’s the actual layout

Day 1 Upper Body

  1. Flat Bench
  2. DB Military Press
  3. OH Shrug
  4. Barbell Row
    Core Conditioning

Day 2 Lower Body
Snatch/Clean Jump
Snatch/Clean Pull from the floor
Power Clean
Box Squat * below parallel & Leg Press ss
Low Cable Squat Pull Through
Good Morning & GHR ss

  • 4 way neck & Core Conditioning

Day 3. Upper Body

  1. Jerk Press
  2. incline/Decline Bench
  3. Power Shrug
  4. DB Lawnmowers
  5. 21’s
    Core Conditioning

Day 4 Lower Body

  1. Snatch/Clean Jump
  2. Snatch/Clean Pull from the floor
  3. Hole Squat * from the bottom/Kneeling Squat
  4. Front Squat & Leg Press ss
  5. Rack Pulls/Dead Lift sumo/conventional
  6. RDL scoop-shrug & GHR ss
  • 4 way neck & Core Conditioning

Chest Assistance

  1. Triceps Death
  2. Rack Lockouts
  3. DB Bench
  4. Floor Press

Back Assistance

1.Seated DB Cleans
2.Face Pulls
3.Supine Rows
4.Chest Supported Rows

Arm Assistance

  1. Skull Crushers
  2. Dips w/weight
  3. barbell Curls
  4. DB Curls var.

Leg Assistance

  1. Walking Barbell Lunges
  2. Calf Raises var.
  3. Single Leg Split Squat
  4. DB Box Jumps

Core Conditioning - Low Back/Abs * Pick 3 movements a day

Standing Cable Crunch
Full Contact Twist
Shovel Lifts
Bent Presses
Turkish Get Up
Decline Sit Ups w/weight
Med. Ball Press Catch and Slam
Sledge Hammer Swing
Super Mans
Sled Dragging
Tire Flipping.

Now, the reason why I have OH Shrugs in there, is because I like to get SOME kind of shrugging movement on both upper body days. It’s just another variation. As you can see I DO place the skill movements first and foremost. I try to work the hip flexors and core glute/ham movements because isn’t that where most a football player’s drive/power comes from? I may be young at 18 years old but I’m not as naive as I made that layout appear. I use the squat/leg super set because for the most part it’s got me some pretty good gains and it’s fuckin worked for me. I’m not small nor any where close to being weak for my age and at the high school level. But I’m an athlete trying to get to college and if you read, I stated the lower body strength/endurance comes easy, I guarantee if you throw 315 on the bar I can compete with some of you grown men for reps lol. I stated my pro’s and cons. I’m lacking in the lower body thickness most D1 college material backs have. So, I’m grateful for the input everybody. Anymore constructive criticism would be appreciated. I’m struggling on deciding on where to start for set/rep scheme wise for all my lifts.

I figure I give it a go and do standard pyramiding or straight sets for upper body.
for hip flexors, glute/ham and skill movements such as the jumps and various pulls, I’ll hit
for doubles or sets of 3.
For the squat leg press ss I guess ramp to a top set of 5, then rest pause 4 -3 -2 -1 getting as many more as I can with that top set?
sound good? yes/no?

If my ideas are shit… someone correct me and and give me a freakin set/rep scheme I should be using on my lower body to help me get where I’m goin. Holy shit.
And I don’t have the time of fucking day to write down all I’m eating and the portion size. I sleep, eat, and lift.

I’m thinking about eating all the proper food that I can hold during the day before and after I lift. Not how many calories and shit it has in it. But you said it, I guess I should just start consuming more and lifting heavier.