Leg Hypertrophy

With how many repetitions to train the quads-rectus femoris?

Poliquin says 12-20, while for biceps femoris 6-12…

[quote]Paul0 wrote:
With how many repetitions to train the quads-rectus femoris?

Poliquin says 12-20, while for biceps femoris 6-12…[/quote]

He also said that it depends on ‘training age’, the longer you’ve trained the lower the reps.

Experiment to see what works for YOU.

(rectus femoris… might be a bit hard to isolate, the other three heads (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius)gets a bit work aswell when you train legs.) :slight_smile:

I have the same question. My quads are getting bigger and more define, while my hamstring stay the same size. I do deadlift and other related exercise, but it just seem to be not workin as much. Any suggestions?


Yes. More volume per week, and use different types of exercises. Explosive and olympic lifting. Slow negatives, 1/3 technique, etc. Switch things up and your hamstrings will grow.

Rectus Femoris is only 1 of the quad muscles. It would be very difficult to isolate the rectus femoris vs. VMO or VL. I am not sure if you are talking about hypertrophy of a specific muscle of the group?