Least Harmful Alcohol

[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
Footballer90 wrote:
the alc is what has the carbs in it

Vodka, whiskey, etc. does not have carbs.[/quote]

I was waiting for someone to point that out.
If you don’t drink much than you should have a fairly low tolerance like myself. Not sure about you but a triple vodka gimlet get me feeling pretty damn good and it’s got 180 kcals. That’s nothing. Yes drinking isn’t in anyway productive but It’s also not as negative as some of you tend to think. In moderation that is. BTW if you ever get a chance to try a German beer named Eisbock give it a try. Strong and good stuff!

Goddamn. Drinking is not healthy. It is, however, manly as fuck. So drink without being a pussy.

Listen to some George Thorogood if you need some drinking education.

vodka has the least amount of calories (70 per shot) and if i remember whiskey has about a hundred. I stick to vodka and diet squirt r straight with lemon. The rule of thumb is the lighter the hard A the less calories. avoid beer to many needed to get going and not worth the cals/carbs. me and my bud did this research to go on a diet and discovered the vodka diet mixer thing.

Dump the diet sodas, use San Pellegrino type waters instead, season with lemon or lime if you must have flavor. Vodkas should only be the multiple filtered type to cut down on harmful congeners, such as Skyy. Carry a vial of powdered/crystal vitamin C to add as an additional antioxidant…Have fun/;-D

All very helpful, not too mention appropriate considering it is St. Patty’s day. (Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone)

I think the verdict may be vodka, this past weekend I mixed it with sprite and bite be gone. So i think i’ll stick with it, and occasionally mix in waters/vit. c.

I would love to try it with Dr. Pepper, but I love Dr. Pepper, I’m afraid if I get trashed one night I’ll forever associate the two…

i just tried vodka and grapefruit juice the other day…bitter, but real good…

I drink bourbon and a little bit of diet coke to make it palatable. It took a little bit to get the taste down, but man it tastes good once you figure out how you, personally, like it.

Just drink moonshine, it wont take much to end up on the floor wondering where your pants went. Or when trying to be social just grab a cheap beer.

[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
Footballer90 wrote:
the alc is what has the carbs in it

Vodka, whiskey, etc. does not have carbs.[/quote]

alcohol is a form of suger, its made from glucose, glucose is a carb.

[quote]lixy wrote:


Seriously, though, each comes with its own benefits and detriments. Regardless of what you choose, you’ll be accruing detriment you could have avoided and sacrificing benefit you could have had. We can’t answer this for you, because we don’t know your goals and preferences as you do.

suprised no one mentioned wine. if your not a fan of the red, whit wine will get you drunk on its own and goes down easy and from my experience doesn’t give you that much of a hangover like red. at least your getting some antioxidants and its natural eh?

[quote]Footballer90 wrote:
SouthernGypsy wrote:
Footballer90 wrote:
the alc is what has the carbs in it

Vodka, whiskey, etc. does not have carbs.

alcohol is a form of suger, its made from glucose, glucose is a carb.


alcohol isn’t processed the same way as carbs

[quote]RitesOfSpring wrote:
suprised no one mentioned wine. if your not a fan of the red, whit wine will get you drunk on its own and goes down easy and from my experience doesn’t give you that much of a hangover like red. at least your getting some antioxidants and its natural eh?[/quote]

usually less nutritional benefit in white…white wine is made from skinless grapes. some places are starting to develop other techniques, though.

headaches could be from sulfites that are added in the reds.

also, to the OP:

I would:

  1. avoid soda/juices/flavored liquors
  2. eat protein at some point during the night
  3. drink 1 water for every drink (just get in the habit of ordering one and downing it right at the bar so you don’t have to carry it around)
  4. try to keep it less than 6 drinks
  5. not over-eat, and eat no junk (pizza, etc)
  6. not drink more than 1-2 times per week
  7. drink extra water with some ZMA before bed

While you have alcohol in your body, that’s going to be your body’s primary source of fuel. So let it be. A night of drinking definitely won’t make you fat, if you think about it, 6 drinks is not a lot of calories, and you’ll probably be moving around a lot (hopefully) while you’re out partying.

Have fun

maybe you could just try heroin,
its prolly alot funner than booze,
without the weight gain

[quote]joburnet wrote:
Herb has zero calories if you can stay out of the kitchen.[/quote]

Good luck with that. I tend to wake up at 2 in the afternoon in a pile of cheeseburger wrappers.

Does alcohol affect growth? If someone wasn’t really worried about bf% or fat loss does it hurt to drink a few nights a week. I am not talking about puking passout/hangover drunk, but just a buzz.

[quote]Rocky101 wrote:
Does alcohol affect growth? If someone wasn’t really worried about bf% or fat loss does it hurt to drink a few nights a week. I am not talking about puking passout/hangover drunk, but just a buzz.[/quote]

It affects protein synthesis also, but I’m not sure for how long exactly. If your only catching a buzz then my guess is your only missing out on a few hours of potential synthesis, but the plus is your reducing stress hormones a lil’ bit. But a few drinks cause other crazy liver, pancreas, and brain processes that are alright in moderation and detrimental in excess. Beer makes you lose definition and hold more water weight than hard liquor, at least this is what the serious bb’s tell me while I’m pounding pitchers of keg beer, haha. No, I like a few glasses of Pinot Noirs and Syrahs if I do drink.

Honestly, once a week fuckin’ let yourself indulge in getting drunk on whatever you like to drink. People that sit and worry and nitpick every little damn detail will have their stress hormones skyrocket which will cancel out any benefit of being an anal worry wort pondering whether the aspartame in their diet coke mixed drink is converting to a form of wood alcohol further taxing the liver on top of their cheap booze their drinking. Just my opinion though.

But if you want a healthy mixed drink get some kettle one vodka or similar triple filtered stuff and mix with real pomegranate juice or other pure high ORAC juices. Or take half a serving of superfood before you start to drink and half a serving at the end of the night and get yourself laid.

Asking which alcohol is the least harmful is like asking which bullet is the least harmful no matter which one it is your still going to get fucked up. I would go with natty light least harmful on your wallet.

My suggestion from my own personal experience won’t help, as I get rather intoxicated every Saturday night on an abundance of wine… I highly doubt as a guy you’ll be caught dead with a class of Riesling at the bar!

However, my philosophy is this… drink the most potent booze you can handle that will get you inebriated with the least amount of consumption. I’d rather do 5 shots of Hennessy (gag) and not know my name for the small price of 350 total calories give or take (65 cals per 1 oz. shot at 40% alcohol) than waste even more calories per Bud light (110 cals per 12 oz. bottle at 3.88% alcohol) and have to drink an entire 12 pack to feel a hearty buzz. Figure out what gives you the most bang for your buck!