Late Night Eating

Curious to get some thoughts on the topic. I often come home from my workouts late at night, with a big appetite. How big a deal is it to eat right before hitting the sack? Thanks.

[quote]Lorne wrote:
Curious to get some thoughts on the topic. I often come home from my workouts late at night, with a big appetite. How big a deal is it to eat right before hitting the sack? Thanks.[/quote]

Just try leaning towards protein and healthy fats. Avoid processed carbs and grease. Did you have a postworkout drink like Surge after your workout?


[quote]Lorne wrote:
Curious to get some thoughts on the topic. I often come home from my workouts late at night, with a big appetite. How big a deal is it to eat right before hitting the sack? Thanks.[/quote]

There’s no problem with having carbs after training in the evening. Treat it the same as any other post-workout meal.