Larry Wheels is Stepping on Stage

I just rewatched it…EDIT it wasnt that bad. He probably beat the down command and it probably was slipping but he did roll the shoulders back.

On a related note…

Tights/10 wud bang


If he gets any bigger he’ll spill into the 220s and get buttfucked by Belkin.

Speaking of posing I haven’t seen Larry doing much of it or mentioning practice/coaching at all.

Ben Pollack learnt how to be sexi from the guineapig.

Also bishes be mirin him too.

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Pollack has to be 1 cheese cake away from the 220s. He is really good at cutting water so he might have to weigh 240s before he has to compete in 220s.

I would be really curious to see the numbers these guys could do with out cutting.

Wheels was getting posing coaching but he hasnt mentioned it for a while so maybe not anymore? Just practicing?

Lot of American lifters walk around well above their Comp weight. Seen that pic of Oak, Belkin and Green from BOB3?

Oak and Green look double the size of Belkin probably walking around 10kg heavier.

Numbers… more I guess lel and less cramping.

Some lifters like Belkin hang around within a few kilos of comp weight tho to be fair he could cut nothing and still dominate the next class up like at WRPF Worlds 2017


Think you mean 250+ I believe he cut from low 210s for the 181s at the open.

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Made this he other day…
(his face was just too perfect not to meme it)

LW Meme

I know weight/water cuts are a part of the game but I would love to see the sport universally do away with 24 hour weigh ins. It would make the sport that much more about the strength and less about what weight class you can sneak into.


I can’t stand Rippetoe at all really, but that new strength lifting shit he’s a part of does post weigh ins so you just place where you weigh after lifting.


This ia going to be great. Instead of people being really dehydrated for weigh ins, they will just be really dehydrated while competing. What could go wrong?

But, thankfully, this won’t catch in to the point that it becomes a serious issue.


Oh shit, I didn’t even realize this was about bodybuilding. Completely slipped my mind. I was thinking powerlifting

It’s the PL forum, we just can’t help ourselves and everything is about PL whether we like it or not.

I saw something not too long ago about this (might have been on here), they were calling it “weigh-outs” but I never thought it would go anywhere. I’m not really into the 24 hour weigh ins with massive water cuts but I see nothing wrong with a 2 hour weigh in. People are going to manipulate weight one way or another, it would make more sense to either have people weigh in right before their squat opener if you really want to prevent people from cutting weight as much as possible. But with either weigh-outs or weigh ins right before you lift it will have to change the way they look at weight classes, right now in some feds (IPF at least) you can’t lift in some big meets unless you are able to make weight for you pre-selected weight class, you can’t change weight classes.

It’s unfair to people like myself who drink a ton of water/fluids during training or competing. At my last meet I drank something like 1.5L Gatorade, 1L water, and a few energy drinks. That’s at least 3.5kg right there, and it was cold and air-conditioned. To add to the problem of weigh outs, if the meet drags on for a long time you are sure to need some food to keep your energy up, people will be fainting left and right on the deadlift platform.

I can imagine people trying the dehydration for weight-out thing once or twice, but dehydration has such a significant impact on performance I would have thought it would do more harm to your total than the benefit you’d get from being in a lower weight class.

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Im no PLer but I’m curious how Larry might fare as well.

Dehydration is a tricky game, and can ruin an otherwise successful prep. IMO Larry’s got a good structure, but I’ve seen npc shows of all sorts, where the level of conditioning is well below what Larry’s Already sporting and others where you have shorter and thicker competitors with much better overall symmetry.


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Add cramping and injury risk to that

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What blows my mind is there’s no money or notoriety in power lifting. Why are people doing insane water cuts and diuretics to place higher in a lower weight class? Congrats, here’s your plastic trophy… and your dialysis appointment.

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It is for sure going to hinder things, but it already hinders performance with 24 hour weigh ins. People will always game the system; now more are going to die or get hurt bad.

I always found the solution to go the other way. 72 hour weigh ins. Let athletes compete fully hydrated and refreshed and crush huge lifts.

Well, it isn’t really unfair, because you have the exact same opportunity to NOT do that as everyone else. It is more just stupid, because it is discouraging doing what it takes to perform well just to satisfy a silly non-demand for weight classes.


Not true, there are some meets with decent payouts like the USPA US Open, $40,000 for the best lifters. And online coaching, sponsorships, etc. Still not worth ruining your health for, but Ben Pollack and Amit Sapir are still living.


Not sure if anyone said it already, but he hit 225x57 on bench recently. Fifty. Seven. Reps. Even for someone on roids, that’s impressive.